Another Pharaohs at Egypt? Hosni Mubarak
Modern "Pharaohs" at egypt.
Chaos in egypt be happened because the president Hosni Mubarak couldn’t make the egyptian public trust anymoe with the policy that he made.
Hosni mobarak is egypt president from 1981 until now. a lot of his decission make the people suffer and couldnt survive. more than 50% egyptian live at under poverty line and in the other side live in abundant wealth. he many made a decission that not very usefull for his people.
A corrupt reign exacerbate the situation and the people can’t take it anymore. so now we could see how the egyptian people ask Hosni Mubarak to abdication.
they had enough for corrupt governmant, they want democracy, they want to be hear because if won’t, it will be a domino effect for all of the world.
Now oil price is higher because the situation in egypt. what next..?it could be global cricisme if Hosni Mobarak not listened what his people says,..
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Modern "Pharaohs" at egypt.
Chaos in egypt be happened because the president Hosni Mubarak couldn’t make the egyptian public trust anymoe with the policy that he made.
Hosni mobarak is egypt president from 1981 until now. a lot of his decission make the people suffer and couldnt survive. more than 50% egyptian live at under poverty line and in the other side live in abundant wealth. he many made a decission that not very usefull for his people.
A corrupt reign exacerbate the situation and the people can’t take it anymore. so now we could see how the egyptian people ask Hosni Mubarak to abdication.
they had enough for corrupt governmant, they want democracy, they want to be hear because if won’t, it will be a domino effect for all of the world.
Now oil price is higher because the situation in egypt. what next..?it could be global cricisme if Hosni Mobarak not listened what his people says,..
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