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Smoking Improve Your Cholesterol Levels

Many participants already known to be overweight at baseline, with an average body mass index (BMI) 29.6 (BMI between 20 and 25 are generally considered healthy). Weight gain is also known to affect cholesterol levels, either increasing or lowering the bad kind of good kind.

YOU already committed to stop smoking? Better quick run of pledges. A recent study mentions, in addition to causing body healthier, stop smoking also increase levels of good cholesterol in the body.

Heavy smokers who successfully quit smoking was going to enjoy another advantage in their bodies, namely the cholesterol profile that gradually improved. A recent study shows, increase good cholesterol known for the body comes when stopped smoking, despite problems with weight gain after smoking the last cigarette.

If confirmed by future research, these findings could explain exactly, but somewhat mysterious, the relationship between smoking and heart health. Up to 20 percent of deaths from heart disease today is caused by cigarette smoke. However, researchers do not yet have sufficient understanding of why it happened.

Smoking may affect the cardiovascular system in various ways, including decreased levels of oxygen and trigger a process of damage to the heart itself. Several studies in small scope also showed evidence that smoking can lower good cholesterol (HDL) and increase bad cholesterol (LDL).

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