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Susbstation Equipment

Substation is an electrical installation system consisting of several power tools and equipment to link electricity from transmission lines to distribution networks perimer. Supplies electric appliances include:

1. Busbar or Rail
It is a point of meeting / relationship between transformer-transformer power, the Air Line TT, TT Cable Channels and other electrical equipment to receive and distribute electrical power / electrical power. There are several types of busbar configurations that are currently used, among others:

- Ring or ring system, all rail / busbar which is connected to one another and formed like a ring / ring.

Figure 1. The ring or ring system

- Busbar Single or Single busbar, all equipment electrical equipment connected on just one / single busbar substation with the system in general this is a substation at the threshold or end of a transmission.

Figure 2. Single busbar system or single busbar

- Double Busbar or double busbar, is a substation that has dual / double busbar. This system is very common, almost all substations using this system because it is very effective to reduce blackouts expenses when making changes.

Figure 3. Double or double Busbar Systems Busbar.

- Busbar one half or one-half busbar, substations with this configuration has two busbar is also the same as in a double busbar, busbar configuration like this but used in the parent generation and substation substations are very large, because it is very effective in operational terms and to reduce the burden outages during system changes. This system uses 3 pieces in a diagonal PMT mounted in series.

Figure 4. Busbar System for one-half or one-half busbar.

2. Ligthning Arrester
commonly called the Arrester and serves as a safety installations (electrical equipment on the installation of substation) from interference due to lightning overvoltages (ligthning Surge) and by the surge circuit (Switching Surge).

3. Measuring instrument transformer or transformers
For the measurement process digardu instrument transformers were needed. Instrument transformers is divided into two groups:

- Voltage transformers, is a single phase transformer that lowers the high voltage into low voltage that can be measured with a voltmeter which is useful for the indicator, relays and synchronizing equipment.

- Current transformers, used for current measurement of the magnitude of hundreds of amperes is flowing at a high voltage network. If the current flowing at low voltage and magnitude of less than 5 amperes, then the measurement can be done directly while for large current flows, it must be measured indirectly by using a current transformer (the term for a large transformer current measurements). Besides, current transformer also serves to power and energy measurement, remote measurement and relay protection.

- Auxiliary transformer (auxiliary transformers), the transformer is used to help the overall operation of the substation. And is the main supply for assistive devices such as electric motors are 3 phase motors are used in transformer oil circulating pumps and the motor cooling fan motor. The most important thing is the main supplier of backup power sources such as the source of DC, where DC sources are the main source if there is disruption and as a power supply for protection so that protection still work even though there is no supply of AC current.

Transformer auxiliary is often referred to as transformer own use because besides the main function of the above, also used for lighting, the source for the circulation system in the battery chamber, the source pengggerak refrigerator (Air Conditioner) because of some protection that use electronic / digital required room temperature with a temperature between 20 º C -28 º C.

To optimalize division of the transformer auxiliary power source is the division of the burden that each have protection in accordance with their respective capacities. DC source is also required to kesetiap divider and the functions that use the bay, mainly driven DC source. For that each substation available AC and DC distribution panels.

4. Separator Switch (PMS) or disconnecting switch (DS)
Serves to isolate electrical equipment from other equipment or other installation voltage. This STD can be opened or closed only on the circuit that is not loaded. Regarding the separation switches will be discussed at the next posting.

5. Power Switch Circuit (PMT) or Circuit Breaker (CB)
Serves to connect and disconnect the circuit in load time (on the normal load current conditions or in the event of fault current.) At the time of connect or disconnect the load, there will be tension recovery is a phenomenon more and arc voltage, therefore the bypass switch is equipped with a silencer media arc, such as the media of air and SF6 gas. About PMT or CB has been discussed in previous articles.

6. Grounding Switches
The switch is for connecting wire conductors to the ground / earth that serves to eliminate / grounding induced voltage on the conductor at the time of treatment or isolation would be a system.Grounding switches are opened and closed only when the system is in a state of no voltage (PMS and PMT already open)

7. Compensator
Compensator in the power distribution system Electricity is also called phase converter tool that is used to adjust the voltage drop across the transmission line or transformer, by regulating the reactive power or can be used to reduce power losses by improving power factor. The tool is a rotating and one stationary, the rotating synchronous condenser and the condenser is asynchronous, while the stationary is the static condenser or shunt capacitors and shunt reactors.

8. SCADA and Telecommunication Equipment
Data received by the SCADA (System Control and Data Accuisition) interfaces of various inputs (sensors, measuring instruments, relays, etc.) either in the form of digital data and analog data converted in the form of data and high frequency (50 kHz to 500 kHz) that then transmitted along high voltage electricity. High frequency data is not transmitted continuously but in packets per unit time. In other words function as a means of voice communication and data communication and tele protection by utilizing voltage penghantarnya and not contained in the Conductor.Therefore, if no voltage then Conductor Power Line Carrier (PLC) will still work as long as the Conductor is not interrupted. Thus the necessary equipment to function insert and remove the information signal from the electrical energy at the ends of the Conductor. This material will be discussed further in a later article.

9. Relay Protection and Board Alarm (Announciator)
Protection relay is a tool that works automatically to secure an electrical equipment during a disruption, avoid or reduce the occurrence of damage to equipment due to interference and limit the disturbed area as small as possible. All these benefits will provide electric power distribution services with high quality and reliability. While the board is a series of alarms or announciator the names of types of interference which is equipped with lights and sound sirens in the event of interference, making it easier for officers to know the relay protection works and type of the disturbance.