"The greatest enemy of individual freedom is the individual himself"
Saul Alinsky
I spend a lot of time in my own head lately. While I have the beautiful boy with me, he's not exactly the greatest convestationalist as yet, and when we do talk, it's not deep (you can't get deep with someone who's age can be counted in weeks...). So, as I drive, feed, clean etc. I am largely on my own.
My mind wanders to all manner of things:
- The businesses I want to start
- The way I want to decorate the house
- What's happening in Pakistan and the Middle East
- The next recipe I want to try
- The ways I want to save the world
but most often, the flaws and faults that I find in myself.
Now self reflection has never been my friend. It's dark and painful and I always seem to come up wanting in some way. But lately I've been trying to put aside the comparisons I make between myself and the world and just try to accept my own individuality as being alright.
I know this is a somewhat melancholy post, but I am not feeling glum. I just want to know, in all aspects of your life, whether it's accepting your eccentricities or embracing your individuality, how do you do it?