- I have brown hair and brown eyes.
- I wore purple contacts for about 4 years.
- I had a phobia in third grade that the bus was going to leave me behind, I cried every single day for months.
- I was an American Studies/Government double major in college and amazingly I have found a job.
- I once worked at a museum and hated it. People that work at museums are pretty weird.
- I have had four jobs since graduating from College in 2002.
- I have worked since I was 15. Virginia doesn’t have child labor laws (just kidding).
- I got my learners permit after taking the test one time. And did it with my best friend Alison.
- My mom is an only child. I somehow inherited only child tendencies from her.
- I am anal retentive about how to switch on a light. My fiancé really loves that about me. (Being very sarcastic right now).
- I have always like to read books.
- I always got good grades, but never really worked all that hard.
- I want to have three kids.
- I want them to be tall, that’s why I am marrying someone who is 6’4. Well that and his amazing good looks.
- I always wanted to be a teacher.
- When I taught school as a little girl I had a fake lesson planning book and even graded and took attendance for my “students.”
- I am not a very good listener.
- I am extremely loyal.
- Sometimes when I drink too much I like to break things.
- I was in a sorority in college.
- I was in a drinking society in college (see number 19).
- My best friend is my fiancé. He is the funniest person I’ve ever met.
- I never saw my Grandma without high heels on.
- I am a quarter Japanese.
- I prefer hand-written letters over e-mail. But I don’t send letters enough.
- Once during a hurricane, I let my best friend convince me to hang from a column in front of my house and I fell flat on my face. We were 23.
- Movie popcorn is my favorite food.
- I have never broken a bone. I did splinter my collar bone.
- My mom mad me take a bath before she took me to the hospital. I REMEMBER that bath.
- My dad used to play Barbies with me.
- My little sister had photographic memories for commercial jingles.
- When I was in college I went streaking. (see number 20).
- It was (and will be) my only attempt at public nudity.
- I don’t drink coffee.
- I do drink diet coke.
- I tried to do 21 shots on my birthday and only did 8.
- I still threw up that night.
- I hope my mom doesn’t read this.
- My mom has the biggest heart of anyone I know.
- She is also the biggest worrier.
- If I could have three wishes, one would be to have every item of clothing J. Crew has ever made OR ever will make. And then I would ask for 100 more wishes. Because that’s how you con a genie.
- I consistently have nightmares that I fall while walking down the isle and when I stand up my teeth are gone.
- I have very small hands.
- I would like to learn how to sew.
- I would also like to open a stationary shop.
- My favorite TV show WAS Lost. Until this year’s bullshit season.
- My favorite TV show now is Bridezilla (seriously how are these people getting married?).
- I am getting too old to watch the Real World. Can’t these people get a job?
- Oh god, I’m getting old.
- My favorite adult drink is a jack and coke.
- I bite my nails.
- I have a new obsession with J. Crew headbands.
- I wish I was a better cook.
- When I become a mom, I hope I can be laid back about it like my friend Paige.
- If I had a bigger bed, I would let the dogs sleep with me.
- My first blog obsession was Pink is the New Blog.
- My first blog obsession that did not involve celebrity gossip was dooce.
- I really like libraries.
- I am a democrat.
- I could never marry a republican.
- My fist date with my husband-to-be was a beer pong tournament.
- I am marrying an eagle scout who cannot find his parked car to save his life.
- My least favorite chore is cleaning the bathroom.
- I really don’t like high heels.
- Kitten heels are the best fashion trend around.
- I refuse to wear skinny jeans. (Some others were part of this pact and they backed out. Erin, I am talking about you).
- Sometimes I want to go back to school.
- I got into Chapel Hill for graduate school, but took a different job instead.
- I didn’t eat eggs, until my husband-to-be started making me omelets.
- My favorite colors are black and white.
- I like country music.
- I do not like Toby Keith.
- I used to have a large crush on George Stephanopoulos.
- I also used to dream about dating one of the Gallagher brothers of Oasis.
- I like polka dots a lot.
- My first gift from a boyfriend was a bottle of CK One. Remember the whole uni-fragrance trend. Hmm, wonder why that faded into oblivion.
- I drive a Volvo S40. She has a lot of issues. She has even had to have her computer rebooted. She may need therapy.
- My new dream car is the Jeep Commander. I just wish they had a hybrid model.
- My favorite dream designer is Diane Von Furstenberg for everyday wear and Oscar de la Renta for special occasions.
- My husband-to-be is a dreamer. I am a realist, or as he puts it, "dream-killer."
- Fall is my favorite season.
- I like watching basketball more than football.
- I think if a boy likes you, you’ll know it.
- I don’t think there are any exceptions to number 83.
- I think actions speak louder than words.
- When I drink alcohol, I turn break out in hives. See number 24.
- My favorite board game was the game of Life.
- I do not own an ipod.
- My favorite movie right now is the remake of Pride and Prejudice.
- My friends would say that I am outspoken.
- When I have kids, I want to stay home.
- I never work out.
- I may have to before my wedding.
- Looking at my organized day planner always calms me down when I feel stressed.
- I got my Christmas cards out the first week of December this year.
- I flew for the first time at 21.
- I am not athletic. See number 92.
- My favorite beer is a Bud Light.
- I wish I could hire Cesar (aka The Dog Whisperer) to train my pups.
- The first movie that made me cry was the Land Before Time.