Woo hoo! Our official application has FINALLY been approved by our agency All God's Children International. We had a few delays (long story that I will spare you), but I'm happy to announce we're moving ahead!
Erin, the adoption coordinator for AGCI, called this afternoon to give us the good news. In 2 days we will receive a packet of information with an overview of the process and contracts to sign and return. Then we will be set to move ahead with the home study process!
This is Christopher and me jumping for joy since we've officially started the process! Ask me again how I feel later and I will probably feel differently, but this is me right now!!!
Erin, the adoption coordinator for AGCI, called this afternoon to give us the good news. In 2 days we will receive a packet of information with an overview of the process and contracts to sign and return. Then we will be set to move ahead with the home study process!
This is Christopher and me jumping for joy since we've officially started the process! Ask me again how I feel later and I will probably feel differently, but this is me right now!!!