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In 1992 I was a pre-teen and I saw this video on Mtv (don't tell my parents, because I wasn't allowed to watch Mtv at the time). I was pretty much in love from the moment it started, so of course I ran out to The Wherehouse music store and bought the tape single (seriously).

Guns n' Roses is not even close to being one of my favorite bands, but I still love this song and the overly emo video. According to the always correct Wikipedia, it is still one of the most expensive music videos ever made, with the wedding dress alone worth $8,000. Holy crap!

This is half a dress at best. Why was it $8k?

More: Much speculation exists about the event of how Seymour's character [the bride] in the video died. Alternate interpretations include the bride being struck by lightning during the wedding reception to being killed by Axl's character or by suicide. During the funeral sequence, a mirror is visible, covering over half her face, a technique used by funeral homes to allow victims of head trauma to have the appearance of a full face in the event of an open casket funeral. I had always wondered about the piece covering her face in the funeral scene.

The only part I don't like is when the November rain starts and the guests start diving over the tables and someone smashes the cake. What the hell? That poor, innocent cake.

That's all the silliness I have for you today. If you're like me, you'll be staying in and avoiding all the alleged deals at the malls. Have a wonderful weekend!
