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There was an itty bitty kitty outside our apartment yesterday and I just couldn't leave it out there. The mother was no where to be found the entire day and it was supposed to get really cold that night. So, I rescued it and brought it inside. Now it's in our bathtub and is a scared little kitten, but definitely a happier one. It's got food and water and I've been playing with it a little bit. It's skittish because it's a feral, but it's starting to warm up to us. Still won't let me pet it though.

I called around today to try and find someone to take this kitten. We're not sure we can keep it, so I'm trying to find a good home for it. I contacted the humane society and they said they don't take animal from the public. *Side eye* I also contacted a rescue and they said they can't help her without a donation as well. *Another side eye* So my last resort is the animal shelter and I don't want to take it there because they'll probably put it down. Sigh. I don't know what to do.

I really want to take it to the vet and get it checked out for rabies and other diseases, but sadly we can't afford that. With planning a wedding, we can't afford to pay $50 to get a kitten we're probably not even keeping checked out.

This isn't normally something I'd ask for, but if you'd like to help this little kitten, I would really appreciate it if you could donate a couple dollars by clicking on the button to the right. That way, I can take the kitten to vet and make sure it's healthy and then I might have an easier time finding it a home.