Who likes a good wedding theme? Who likes to take a wedding theme to extreme?
Would you take your wedding theme so far as to match your wedding dress, or your bridesmaids dresses to your wedding cake? If they looked like this I think I might!! Would you?
{ Total side note, I know, but I remember when I was little, probably 4 to 10 {ish} I had lush long brown hair, it was my crowning glory. I was very proud of it. I also had about a gazillion 'scrunchies' - do you remember them, those fabric {large} hair bobbins? Anyways, I had one to match every outfit. Well this, and I'm not entirely sure how, reminds me of those scrunchies. }
Would you take your wedding theme so far as to match your wedding dress, or your bridesmaids dresses to your wedding cake? If they looked like this I think I might!! Would you?
{ Total side note, I know, but I remember when I was little, probably 4 to 10 {ish} I had lush long brown hair, it was my crowning glory. I was very proud of it. I also had about a gazillion 'scrunchies' - do you remember them, those fabric {large} hair bobbins? Anyways, I had one to match every outfit. Well this, and I'm not entirely sure how, reminds me of those scrunchies. }