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As a guest it can be difficult to find that prefect gift, something that is heartfelt, useful, unique and {right now} affordable, while not looking cheap. Its especially more difficult now as many couples live together before their weddings and so have all the 'traditional' wedding gifts got.

Today I just might have the answers to all your prayers! Today I want to introduce you all to ShotClip.com.

What is ShotClip? 

Have you ever dreamt of being the cameraman of your own movie? Have you ever wanted to put those {buried} creative film talents to use?  Are you one to always have the video camera out, or your phone poised and ready to catch a good shot? Do you have loads and loads of footage of family weddings and are you wondering what to do with them? Then ShotClip is for you!!

I think the best way to describe ShotClip is to use the words of its Owner & Creator, Conor Mc Nally, ShotClip is like the video version of disposable cameras... {but in my opinion better... much better.}

I'll explain more... 

Ideally you would 'sign up' to ShotClip before the the wedding, watch the tutorials on how best to 'shoot' your wedding scenes, learn how long they should be, to print the {very} handy 'shotlist' {so you don't forget anything on the day} and have a little play around with the {easy peasy} editing software, but signing up after the wedding {if you've already been and are reading this thinking, that is perfect for me!} is fine too!

While at the wedding you 'shoot' the scenes as they happen. {Remembering that you are just capturing the moment, not directing it... no standing out in the church telling people to move and the bride when to stop and start - you are a guest remember :) not Steven Spielberg {yet}}  After the wedding then you upload your footage to ShotClip, edit and can then share with all your friends {and of course the Bride and Groom} through facebook and email.{It really is that simple!}

What I absolutely LOVE about ShotClip is that multiple people can sign up, use the one account, and share their footage with each other, which, provided this is all done in the one account, you can use too and each of you can create a unique video of the wedding day using all the footage on the account.

The gift is perfect for those who have and who have not chosen a videographer for their wedding. 

Why? Well if a couple have videographer for the day, you can focus on all those 'behind the scenes' shots that he will miss, as his focus will be the bride and groom. If they have chosen to not to have a videographer then you { and other guests } can 'shoot' and compile treasured moments for them that they will have for the rest of their lives.

How great is the price!

I bet you are thinking this is all sounding mighty impressive... I know I was impressed too AND I haven't even gotten to the best bit yet... the price... 1 user accounts start from just $24.95 and go up to 8 user accounts for just $59.95... an absolute bargain if you ask me!

The great ShotClip give-away!

The lovely Conor, at ShotClip, has given me some Coupon Codes for some of my lucky Wedding High readers, so if you would like to be in with a chance to win an account on ShotClip and try out your camera skills for yourself and produce a totally unique and thoughtful gift just answer the following question:

How much is a 1 User Account on ShotClip.com?

Answers on a postcard, {he he} I mean email to me at weddinghigh@gmail.com

T&C's for the Competition
- It will only work on Gold accounts
- Accounts are vaild for 12 months
- only one account available per user.

And don't forget to check out ShotClip.com yourself { they have great video tutorials :) }
Follow them on twitter at twitter.com/shotclip
Like them on facebook at facebook.com/shotclip