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Hands up any bride out there who feels her hubby to be just doesn't get it! [I don't mean the wedding, although some do have trouble with that] I mean any men out there who don't get wedding colour?!

I feel your pain ladies, I do. Unfortunately I don't have a quick fix or simple solution. All I can do at this point is offer so incite. Below you will see a chart as to how men see colours and how women see colours. My advice is first approach colour options with your hubby to be like this. [Using the male side of course].

Narrow it down to a few combinations, then and only then, start talking to them about shades and hues. And even then, keep that limited. Men have many good points, and many interests, [generally] neither of these including taking about or choosing colours. [Remember this, after you are married and want to paint the bathroom].

My Perfect Palette

Once you have a couple of colour ideas, now is the time to pop over to The Perfect Palette - this is an amazing blog where you will find oodles of great colour combinations, with mood boards to see how they might turn out. You might be thinking, shouldn't I just start there? And yes, yes you could... but there are so many options you might just get lost there, never to emerge again! [Believe me its that wonderful - if you are into colour]

What's hot right now? 

Purple - although when is purple not a hot colour?! But yes, purple continues to reign supreme when it comes to wedding colour choices. So if you want to be 'on trend' purple it is for your 2011/ 2012 Wedding. If you want to be different? ... don't use purple! :)

What wedding colour combinations am I loving right now? 

For me this can change daily. But right now I am totally digging these colour combinations. Which is your favourite?

1. Wedding Colours: Hot Pink & Orange 

2. Weddings Colours: Teal & Ochre

3. Weddings Colours: Hot Pink & Lime 

4. Wedding Colours: Aqua & Mustard