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I always hear brides saying that they need this and they need that.  But what do you really need when planning a wedding?  Really, the only things you need are the officiant, you and your fiance, a marriage license, as well as a couple witnesses.  If you're planning a fancy wedding with guests though, you're going to need some more things to have a great time and make your guests happy.

I decided to do a Need vs. Want feature over the next week.  I'm going to highlight different vendors and talk about whether I feel they are a need vs. a want when you're planning a wedding.  I would love to hear your opinion about the different vendors, so please leave some comments and tell me what you think.  I promise I won't be offended if you don't agree with me.  :-)

Wedding Planner

A lot of brides have a lot of other things on their mind before their wedding.  Some work 40 hours a week, some go to school, and some even have children.  They don't have a gazillion hours a week to devote to planning a wedding.  These kind of commitments make a lot of brides want a wedding planner so that they will have the perfect wedding without putting much work into it.

I personally do not feel that it's necessary to have a wedding planner for your wedding.  Yes, weddings take time to plan, but you should be able to fit some time into your busy schedule to plan it.  Do some planning during your lunch hour, at night, and on the weekends.  

One of the hardest things you're going to come across is trying to schedule meetings with vendors because most of them will have to meet during the week because they're working weddings on the weekend.  Save up some vacation time at work so that you can go to these meetings.  Most won't take more than 2 hours.

Make sure you are organized!  Not being organized is going to make wedding planning a lot harder and stressful than need be.  Make your own wedding planning book and some spreadsheets to keep all your information together.  Also, utilize your fiance.  It's his wedding too, so he should be able to help you with wedding related tasks.

Final thought: A wedding planner is a want!