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Top 45 Diet Food

Healthy food, maybe a topic that was frequently heard. However, if you know what kinds of foods are healthy and certainly fit well with your ideal weight.

Here are the healthiest foods that claimed by allwomenstalk.com, which could be part of your daily meal.

Dairy Foods (4)

Low-fat milk (the skim more recommended), low-fat cheese, egg products (particularly the whites), and yogurt.

Fruit (11)

Bananas (rich in potassium), oranges, apples, strawberries, apricots, cherries, blueberries (to lower cholesterol and both as antioxidants which fight cancer), cantaloupe, guava, avocado, and watermelon (natural detox for the body).

Vegetables (9)
Broccoli, carrots, peas, spinach, pumpkin, tela, tomatoes, black beans, and onions.

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