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Learn From Triond

I’m glad to knowing this site, triond make me feel so free to write and earn mean while I build my blog.

I’m glad to knowing this site, triond make me feel so free to write and earn mean while I build my blog. I know all about earning opportunity from Internet now, from writing article like this until Pay to Click program and adsense. Triond community make me had a lot friend from different country and culture. I have learn a lot here. thanks triond now I can doing my write hobby and make some dollar on it.

I have a goal target to get $10 a day, is that difficult and impossible way to get? ofcousre I don’t counting only on my triond but many program such as ad-sense and PTC program. wish me luck :D

Now I gain as Little as $1 a month I gain from this site (triond) and I hope more for every next month. on triond I had a target to increase $0.5 or more could be better for every each month until I reach my targeting goal $10 a day in every program. maybe for some of you this target is very small cause you had a lot of visitor on your article or you had another paying site that pay you more than triond. but for me this goal target is not only passion but I wanna prove it to myself and all my family, that we could live from our hobbies if we doing it well. Its no need to go to the office or t

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