I have a confession. I don't really enjoying cooking or baking. I feel a bit funny saying it out loud, as though I am breaking a code of conduct that comes with being a woman. Thankfully I have a guy who loves (and I mean loves) to cook. So much so that his first ever memory is of his mum baking a cake while he was in a bouncinette at her feet. Isn't that the sweetest?!
Anyway, what I am getting at is that this year one of my resolutions is to try and cook more. And have fun doing it. While I haven't started yet, I figure it is only February and I still have ten months to get into the swing of things.
Until that happens, I am more than happy to soak up the delicious food that finds its way from my fiancé’s hands to my plate. Just like this seeded loaf he made sans bread maker. Give it a try, the recipe is so simple (...says the girl who doesn't cook). x
Photo Claire Plush