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You Wanna Look Young?

did you know?, marry a younger man would be bad for your appearance. Because when compared to couples who stand beside you, then you will look old.

A study by psychologists from Germany from Jena University to ensure, that when an older person paired with the younger, the age difference will be felt further afield. These differences will be significantly visible on your appearance when side by side.

The trick is to make sure others trust your true age. This is a simple psychology, we often judge the appearance, depending on who’s on our side.

Research conducted Jena University who was named “Perception of Others” is an experiment participants to guess the age of an individual figure is not known. They have to guess the age of subjects from different ages.

When subjects have to guess when alone or when you are with some people who on average the same age, has been confirmed participants have to guess the age of the subject properly. But when the subject is brought together with other subjects younger or older than them, participants are always wrong to guess the age of the subject.

Very likely if the founders of the magazine “Playboy” is actually older, in fact, this is due to appear habits among young girls. So that was launched from Genius Beauty

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