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"Look around you.   Notice anything different?"

The question was asked last night.   The night we arrived home from our most amazing honeymoon.   We had nothing to eat in the house and were forced to march our overly tired selves out to the grocery store as we were fairly confident there would be no candlelight dinner awaiting us at home (Sigh).  

I won't reveal the exact answer I gave, but the question and the context was the most telling part.   Sometimes it takes getting away to really begin to see (again).    When everything around you is fresh and new, you can't help but notice the details.  Traveling brings out a desire, and often times a requirement, to see and think differently.  

As we start this new year, back at home following an amazing honeymoon with my new husband, my goal and wish for you is to bring this fresh perspective to each day, whether you be at home or afar.   See things in a different light, as a traveler would.   Live each day to its fullest.  Dream big dreams and each day put one foot in front of another as you continue along your journey.    Bring along a map to ensure you reach your major destinations, but leave time each day to just go where the wind takes you.    Sometimes, in these little moments, the smallest of experiences, the details, we find the most joy.

And most importantly, Smile.

Happy New Year!   2011... another step in an ongoing journey.   Wishing you a year filled with the hope from the promise of fresh perspectives and new beginnings.