Here is a list of terms in the SCADA and its definition:
ANOFT (Analog Output Fault) -> Po, Pr and N levels disturbed.
App (Appear) -> Alarm appears.
AR (Auto Reclose) -> CB Conductor out for a moment and then log in again.
ARO (Auto Reclose Switch Out) -> Tools Auto / reclose for Conductor turned off (auto reclose not bekarja) only GIs. 500 kV.
BBT (Bus Bar Trip) -> Tools busbar protection.BF (Bay Fault) -> Monitor DC voltage 110 V respectively Bay (when the alarm all the GI equipment for Bay tsb. Can not be operated.
BI (Bus Isolator Switch Close / Open) -> Signal status of the BI (divider rails).
BRF (Breaker Fault) -> Monitor CB disorder (when an alarm appears CB can not Remote O / C).
CB (Circuit Breaker Close / Open) -> Signal status CB (PMT).
CD (Control Disable Switch) ->• When is shown a CD of all the remote facilities on site they will not.• This occurs when the CD key on the panel is positioned Disable RTU (RTU maintenance carried out at the time).
COM (Communication alarm) -> Alarm arise in case of interruption of communication equipment (PLC, Radio, Optical).
CPA (Cable Pressure Alarm) -> Alarm oil or gas pressure to land the cable.
CPT (Cable Pressure Trip) -> Alarm oil or gas pressure to land the cable.
CSO (Check Synchronizing override On / Off) -> Signal under the command of the operator.
• Close: the demand for short-circuited the relay check sinchro
• Open: a request to relay check sinchro work in real.
CSP (Check Synchronizing In Progress) -> Notice that the equipment Synchro work (for close-order).
DCBC (Dummy Breaker Close / Open) -> Signal behind the status of Dummy Breaker (test remote control in masing2 RTU.
DISP (Disappear) -> Alarm missing.
DT (Diameter Trip) -> Listed respective diameters. Only GI. 500 kV.
Early Pregnancy Factor (EPC Fault (RTU Alarm)) -> The Master station can be monitored at only a temperature alarm.
ES (Earth Switch Close / Open) -> Indications of soil separator Close / Open.
FDC (Fault data is captured)
Frequ (Frequency) -> Value frequency
GRE (Generator Ready) -> signal from the generator that the generator is ready to start (RC start)
GTF (Generator Transformer Fault) -> Disorders generator transformer.
GTT (Generator Transformer Trip) -> generator transformer trip.
Gur (Generator Unit Run) -> Indication Start the generator behind the command master
GUS (Generator Unit Stop) -> Indications Stop behind the command master generator
I -> Flow
INIT -> Initialization, When the alarm is frequently appear in the RTU must reload the program.
L1 (Lower limit # 1) -> lower limit of the first (example: frequency = 49.8 Hz)
L2 (Lower limit # 2) -> lower limit of the second (example: frequency = 49.5 Hz)
LFA (Load Frequency Control Available On / Off) -> Signal Unit LFC equipment condition.• On: LFC ready to operate• Off: LFC disorders
LFC (Load Frequency Control On / Off) -> Signal Unit LFC equipment condition.• On: LFC operate• Off: LFC is not operated
LFF (Load Fault Frequency Unit) -> Alarm that can not be enabled LFC (Load cordinator alarm).
LFR (Load Frequency Control Request On / Off) -> Signal under the command of the operator.• On: the demand for LFC operated• Off: the demand for LFC is turned off.
LI (Line Isolator Switch Close / Open) -> Signal status of the Line Isolator.
LK1FT/LK2FT (Fault Link 1 / Link 2 Fault) -> Network configuration for the RTU master concerned at the red (interference links).
LR (Local Remote Switch CB) -> Signal Switchh position of each CB, or common throughout CB posted for the position of Local / Remote
LRG (Local Remote Switch for Generator) -> Signal position Local / Remote for Generator which can in the Start / Stop from the Master station.
LRT (Local Remote Switch for Tap Changer) -> Signal position Local / Remote Tap which can be up / down right from the Master station.
LT (Line Trip) -> Disorders protective equipment each Conductor.Only GI. 500 kV.
MC (Message class) -> Class event (specified in the control center)
MPS (Main Substation Power Supply) -> Disorders Supply 110 VDC.
N (Load frequency control N_level)
OSC (Supervisory Control Off)
P (Power On)
P1 (Protection Type 1 Trip) -> Signal because the workings of the Main Relay Protection.
P2 (Protection Type 2 Trip) -> Signal because the workings Relay Backup Protection.
P3 (Protection Type 3 Trip) ->
POAQ (Real power setting)
Poop (Real power set point)
PRAQ (Maximum power setting variation)
PROP (Maximum power variation set point)
PSF (Protection Fault Signaling) -> Signal interference protection Feeder (Conductor)
PSO (Power Set Switch On / Off) -> Signal from the unit that LFC is ready to operate.
PUM (Under Plant Maintenance) -> Signal that is being carried out maintenance of PMT (common throughout PMT) at the site.Whether msh is required, because the alarm page. For the new SCADA sdh pattern in smoke.
Q (Reactive Power)
RACK (Circuit Breaker Rack In / Out) -> Signal status PMT / CB thrust.
RC_FT (Remote Control Fault) -> If the alarm appears the remote control at the location they will always fail
RCPFT (Remote Control Polarity Fault) ->• In the Master appeared alarm RC• Remote control of the site disrupted
RF (Reactor Fault) -> alarm Reactor
RT (Reactor Trip)
RTF (Remote Terminal Unit Fault) -> The Master station can be monitored at only a temperature alarm.
SHTXC (Capacitors)
SNF (Non-Urgent Substation Fault) -> All alarms are combined into one, when one of the equipment was disrupted in JCC arise descendant. Hanaya GI. 500 kV.
SPS (Supervisory Power Supply) -> Disorders Supply 48 VDC.
Descendant (Urgent Substation Fault) -> All alarms are combined into one, when one of the equipment was disrupted in JCC arise descendant. Only for GI. 500 KV.
TAF (AVC Transformer Fault) -> Disorders Voltage settings (AVC Cubicle) only GIs. 500 kV.
TC (Tap changer raise / lower)
TC_FT (Tap Changer Fault) -> Position Tap invalid or can not be monitored.
TCA (Tap Changer Alarm)
TCC (Tap Changer Common Auto / Remote) -> Signal under the command of the operator• Auto: Tap transformer interbus operate autonomously follow the voltage changes.• Remote: Tap changes remotely from the master.
TCC (Tap changer auto / manual)
TCH (Tap Changer High Limit) -> Position Maximum Tap
TCL (Tap Changer Low Limit) -> Position Minimum Tap
TCT (Tap Changer Trip)
TEA (Transformer Temperature Alarm) -> Alarms in Interbus Transformer
TEAFT (Temperature Alarm Fault) -> Notification RTU room temperature high
Tet (Transformer Temperature Trip)
TEWFT (Warning Temperature Fault) -> Notification RTU room temperature high
TK_FT (Telecounting fault) -> KWH meter (u / SCADA rarely used).
TM_FT (Telemetering fault) -> Display of measurement on the master O (zero) or Invalid. Appears alarm TM
TPF (Telephone or Teleprinter Fault) -> Alarm communications equipment only a 500 kV GIs.
TPI (Tap Position Indication (Digital)) -> Position interbus real tap transformer
TPI (Tap position indication)
TRA (Transformer Alarm) -> Alarm trasformator but did not result in transformer trip
Tro (Trip Relay Operated) -> connected to each PMT diameter.
TRT (Transformer Trip) -> Alarm trasformator and can lead to transformer trip.
TS_FT (Telesignaling Fault) ->• Telesignal Invalid.• Appears alarm TS
TSCFT (Telesignaling Counter Fault) -> Telesignal invalid.
TTR (Teleprotection Trip Received) -> Teleproteksi work receives trip signal from the station opposite.
TTT (Teleprotection Trip Transmited) -> Teleproteksi trip to the station sends the opposite signal
U1 (Upper limit # 1) -> Limits on the first (example: frequency = 50.2 Hz)
U2 (Upper limit # 2) -> Limit of a second (example: frequency = 50.5 Hz)
UT (Trip Unit)
V (Voltage)
VS (Voltage Status (BB)) -> Knowing Busbar voltage status (dead / live)
VTF (Voltage Transformer Fault) -> Disorders voltage travo diameter respectively. Only GI. 500 kV.
ANOFT (Analog Output Fault) -> Po, Pr and N levels disturbed.
App (Appear) -> Alarm appears.
AR (Auto Reclose) -> CB Conductor out for a moment and then log in again.
ARO (Auto Reclose Switch Out) -> Tools Auto / reclose for Conductor turned off (auto reclose not bekarja) only GIs. 500 kV.
BBT (Bus Bar Trip) -> Tools busbar protection.BF (Bay Fault) -> Monitor DC voltage 110 V respectively Bay (when the alarm all the GI equipment for Bay tsb. Can not be operated.
BI (Bus Isolator Switch Close / Open) -> Signal status of the BI (divider rails).
BRF (Breaker Fault) -> Monitor CB disorder (when an alarm appears CB can not Remote O / C).
CB (Circuit Breaker Close / Open) -> Signal status CB (PMT).
CD (Control Disable Switch) ->• When is shown a CD of all the remote facilities on site they will not.• This occurs when the CD key on the panel is positioned Disable RTU (RTU maintenance carried out at the time).
COM (Communication alarm) -> Alarm arise in case of interruption of communication equipment (PLC, Radio, Optical).
CPA (Cable Pressure Alarm) -> Alarm oil or gas pressure to land the cable.
CPT (Cable Pressure Trip) -> Alarm oil or gas pressure to land the cable.
CSO (Check Synchronizing override On / Off) -> Signal under the command of the operator.
• Close: the demand for short-circuited the relay check sinchro
• Open: a request to relay check sinchro work in real.
CSP (Check Synchronizing In Progress) -> Notice that the equipment Synchro work (for close-order).
DCBC (Dummy Breaker Close / Open) -> Signal behind the status of Dummy Breaker (test remote control in masing2 RTU.
DISP (Disappear) -> Alarm missing.
DT (Diameter Trip) -> Listed respective diameters. Only GI. 500 kV.
Early Pregnancy Factor (EPC Fault (RTU Alarm)) -> The Master station can be monitored at only a temperature alarm.
ES (Earth Switch Close / Open) -> Indications of soil separator Close / Open.
FDC (Fault data is captured)
Frequ (Frequency) -> Value frequency
GRE (Generator Ready) -> signal from the generator that the generator is ready to start (RC start)
GTF (Generator Transformer Fault) -> Disorders generator transformer.
GTT (Generator Transformer Trip) -> generator transformer trip.
Gur (Generator Unit Run) -> Indication Start the generator behind the command master
GUS (Generator Unit Stop) -> Indications Stop behind the command master generator
I -> Flow
INIT -> Initialization, When the alarm is frequently appear in the RTU must reload the program.
L1 (Lower limit # 1) -> lower limit of the first (example: frequency = 49.8 Hz)
L2 (Lower limit # 2) -> lower limit of the second (example: frequency = 49.5 Hz)
LFA (Load Frequency Control Available On / Off) -> Signal Unit LFC equipment condition.• On: LFC ready to operate• Off: LFC disorders
LFC (Load Frequency Control On / Off) -> Signal Unit LFC equipment condition.• On: LFC operate• Off: LFC is not operated
LFF (Load Fault Frequency Unit) -> Alarm that can not be enabled LFC (Load cordinator alarm).
LFR (Load Frequency Control Request On / Off) -> Signal under the command of the operator.• On: the demand for LFC operated• Off: the demand for LFC is turned off.
LI (Line Isolator Switch Close / Open) -> Signal status of the Line Isolator.
LK1FT/LK2FT (Fault Link 1 / Link 2 Fault) -> Network configuration for the RTU master concerned at the red (interference links).
LR (Local Remote Switch CB) -> Signal Switchh position of each CB, or common throughout CB posted for the position of Local / Remote
LRG (Local Remote Switch for Generator) -> Signal position Local / Remote for Generator which can in the Start / Stop from the Master station.
LRT (Local Remote Switch for Tap Changer) -> Signal position Local / Remote Tap which can be up / down right from the Master station.
LT (Line Trip) -> Disorders protective equipment each Conductor.Only GI. 500 kV.
MC (Message class) -> Class event (specified in the control center)
MPS (Main Substation Power Supply) -> Disorders Supply 110 VDC.
N (Load frequency control N_level)
OSC (Supervisory Control Off)
P (Power On)
P1 (Protection Type 1 Trip) -> Signal because the workings of the Main Relay Protection.
P2 (Protection Type 2 Trip) -> Signal because the workings Relay Backup Protection.
P3 (Protection Type 3 Trip) ->
POAQ (Real power setting)
Poop (Real power set point)
PRAQ (Maximum power setting variation)
PROP (Maximum power variation set point)
PSF (Protection Fault Signaling) -> Signal interference protection Feeder (Conductor)
PSO (Power Set Switch On / Off) -> Signal from the unit that LFC is ready to operate.
PUM (Under Plant Maintenance) -> Signal that is being carried out maintenance of PMT (common throughout PMT) at the site.Whether msh is required, because the alarm page. For the new SCADA sdh pattern in smoke.
Q (Reactive Power)
RACK (Circuit Breaker Rack In / Out) -> Signal status PMT / CB thrust.
RC_FT (Remote Control Fault) -> If the alarm appears the remote control at the location they will always fail
RCPFT (Remote Control Polarity Fault) ->• In the Master appeared alarm RC• Remote control of the site disrupted
RF (Reactor Fault) -> alarm Reactor
RT (Reactor Trip)
RTF (Remote Terminal Unit Fault) -> The Master station can be monitored at only a temperature alarm.
SHTXC (Capacitors)
SNF (Non-Urgent Substation Fault) -> All alarms are combined into one, when one of the equipment was disrupted in JCC arise descendant. Hanaya GI. 500 kV.
SPS (Supervisory Power Supply) -> Disorders Supply 48 VDC.
Descendant (Urgent Substation Fault) -> All alarms are combined into one, when one of the equipment was disrupted in JCC arise descendant. Only for GI. 500 KV.
TAF (AVC Transformer Fault) -> Disorders Voltage settings (AVC Cubicle) only GIs. 500 kV.
TC (Tap changer raise / lower)
TC_FT (Tap Changer Fault) -> Position Tap invalid or can not be monitored.
TCA (Tap Changer Alarm)
TCC (Tap Changer Common Auto / Remote) -> Signal under the command of the operator• Auto: Tap transformer interbus operate autonomously follow the voltage changes.• Remote: Tap changes remotely from the master.
TCC (Tap changer auto / manual)
TCH (Tap Changer High Limit) -> Position Maximum Tap
TCL (Tap Changer Low Limit) -> Position Minimum Tap
TCT (Tap Changer Trip)
TEA (Transformer Temperature Alarm) -> Alarms in Interbus Transformer
TEAFT (Temperature Alarm Fault) -> Notification RTU room temperature high
Tet (Transformer Temperature Trip)
TEWFT (Warning Temperature Fault) -> Notification RTU room temperature high
TK_FT (Telecounting fault) -> KWH meter (u / SCADA rarely used).
TM_FT (Telemetering fault) -> Display of measurement on the master O (zero) or Invalid. Appears alarm TM
TPF (Telephone or Teleprinter Fault) -> Alarm communications equipment only a 500 kV GIs.
TPI (Tap Position Indication (Digital)) -> Position interbus real tap transformer
TPI (Tap position indication)
TRA (Transformer Alarm) -> Alarm trasformator but did not result in transformer trip
Tro (Trip Relay Operated) -> connected to each PMT diameter.
TRT (Transformer Trip) -> Alarm trasformator and can lead to transformer trip.
TS_FT (Telesignaling Fault) ->• Telesignal Invalid.• Appears alarm TS
TSCFT (Telesignaling Counter Fault) -> Telesignal invalid.
TTR (Teleprotection Trip Received) -> Teleproteksi work receives trip signal from the station opposite.
TTT (Teleprotection Trip Transmited) -> Teleproteksi trip to the station sends the opposite signal
U1 (Upper limit # 1) -> Limits on the first (example: frequency = 50.2 Hz)
U2 (Upper limit # 2) -> Limit of a second (example: frequency = 50.5 Hz)
UT (Trip Unit)
V (Voltage)
VS (Voltage Status (BB)) -> Knowing Busbar voltage status (dead / live)
VTF (Voltage Transformer Fault) -> Disorders voltage travo diameter respectively. Only GI. 500 kV.