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Merry Christmas everyone!

It's been one heck of an exciting year for me, from the birth of our beautiful boy to the excitement of starting Luminoso Blu. Not one, but TWO dreams come true!  I can't wait to see what the New Year brings

What exciting things happened to you this year that you are grateful for?

As I sign off for a couple of weeks to spend time with family for Christmas I thought I would post a couple of photo's of Christmas at our place.

The full table setting
including homemade tissue poms

JOY! Thanks to Candy Soirees for the tags

The kids table

The micro-mini lolly table

All set for ham and turkey

Hmm... nothing helps smooth over
a family lunch quite like wine

Plenty of gifts under the tree

Plenty of mess in the kitchen

What's on my New Year agenda? A marketing plan, building Luminoso Blu and learning how to take better still life photo's!

Have a happy and laughter filled holiday everyone. I hope that you get to spend lots of time with loved ones and those special to you. I will see you in the New Year!