Following on from my post yesterday 12 Tips to surviving a wedding in the snow here are 6 Cold weather skin care tips brides.
During the winter cold air, wind and indoor heat are three of the major factors that give us dull, dry skin. With the 'lovely' weather we have been experiencing lately I'm sure most of us are experiencing something much worse than the normal dull, dry winter skin; something no bride wants to hear, especially weeks or days before her wedding. Fear not, here are 6 cold weather skin care tips to help you prevent dull and dry skin before your big wedding day.
1. Overhaul your skin care regime
Limit your time in the shower, bathe in warm water, no hot water. Hot water strips the skin of moisture. Use a body wash, not soap, as it will be gentler on your skin. Pat dry, don't rub. Apply moisturiser liberally while skin is still wet. For those with particularly dry skin applying moisturiser 2 - 3 times a day can really help; especially to exposed skin.
Remember to ex-foliate weekly, or 2 - 3 times a week [ particularly your face ] if you really need it. And stay away from alcohol based products.
2. Choose the right moisturiser
For your face, if it doesn't already, your moisturiser should include sunscreen, even in the winter months. Sun damage is irreversible. Didn't you know: moisturisers work on the premise of slowing the natural loss of water from the skin, not by putting water back into the skin as is often thought. Some dermatologists say 'the greaser, the better'; that's not always practical, except maybe in a night time moisturiser or if you have time in the morning to allow it to soak all over your body.
It's best to find a face and body moisturizer that works best for you.And remember; be vigilant with moisturizing as it will help to repair your skin's barrier layer and also, particularly for your face, use an oil-free lotion to minimize clogging of your pores.
3. Protect yourself from the elements
As I've mentioned sunscreen is a must! You can still get burnt; even in these arctic temperatures! Lip balm will help smooth out chapped lips, as will a good moisturising lipstick, lip gloss is not great for this and can often aggravate the problem. Lip balm is also great for sore and irritated nostrils.
Clothes are another protection, both from the elements and from each other. Layering is the best way to go; not only to keep warm but to also protect the skin from fibres that may irritate it, such as wool. Jumpers are quick, easy and handy to wear during the winter but can often irritate the skin, layer with cotton, silk or linen tops and shirts to avoid this.
4. Drinking plenty of water
We've all be told about 8 glasses of water a day, its a must [pre wedding] you will definitely notice an improvement, maximised if you limit your intake of caffeine from the likes of coffee and soft drinks.
5. Exercise Regularly
This will increase your circulation and help deliver more nutrients to your skin cells. It will also boost collagen production; a natural skin saver.
6. Relax
Planning weddings can be stressful, particularly for the bride; the last few days and weeks probably are the worst. Relax, take it easy, remember to eat well and get plenty of rest and sleep. You don't want big black bags under your eyes, crows feet or worry wrinkles!
Image from The Best of Mother Earth
During the winter cold air, wind and indoor heat are three of the major factors that give us dull, dry skin. With the 'lovely' weather we have been experiencing lately I'm sure most of us are experiencing something much worse than the normal dull, dry winter skin; something no bride wants to hear, especially weeks or days before her wedding. Fear not, here are 6 cold weather skin care tips to help you prevent dull and dry skin before your big wedding day.
1. Overhaul your skin care regime
Limit your time in the shower, bathe in warm water, no hot water. Hot water strips the skin of moisture. Use a body wash, not soap, as it will be gentler on your skin. Pat dry, don't rub. Apply moisturiser liberally while skin is still wet. For those with particularly dry skin applying moisturiser 2 - 3 times a day can really help; especially to exposed skin.
Remember to ex-foliate weekly, or 2 - 3 times a week [ particularly your face ] if you really need it. And stay away from alcohol based products.
2. Choose the right moisturiser
For your face, if it doesn't already, your moisturiser should include sunscreen, even in the winter months. Sun damage is irreversible. Didn't you know: moisturisers work on the premise of slowing the natural loss of water from the skin, not by putting water back into the skin as is often thought. Some dermatologists say 'the greaser, the better'; that's not always practical, except maybe in a night time moisturiser or if you have time in the morning to allow it to soak all over your body.
It's best to find a face and body moisturizer that works best for you.And remember; be vigilant with moisturizing as it will help to repair your skin's barrier layer and also, particularly for your face, use an oil-free lotion to minimize clogging of your pores.
3. Protect yourself from the elements
As I've mentioned sunscreen is a must! You can still get burnt; even in these arctic temperatures! Lip balm will help smooth out chapped lips, as will a good moisturising lipstick, lip gloss is not great for this and can often aggravate the problem. Lip balm is also great for sore and irritated nostrils.
Clothes are another protection, both from the elements and from each other. Layering is the best way to go; not only to keep warm but to also protect the skin from fibres that may irritate it, such as wool. Jumpers are quick, easy and handy to wear during the winter but can often irritate the skin, layer with cotton, silk or linen tops and shirts to avoid this.
4. Drinking plenty of water
We've all be told about 8 glasses of water a day, its a must [pre wedding] you will definitely notice an improvement, maximised if you limit your intake of caffeine from the likes of coffee and soft drinks.
5. Exercise Regularly
This will increase your circulation and help deliver more nutrients to your skin cells. It will also boost collagen production; a natural skin saver.
6. Relax
Planning weddings can be stressful, particularly for the bride; the last few days and weeks probably are the worst. Relax, take it easy, remember to eat well and get plenty of rest and sleep. You don't want big black bags under your eyes, crows feet or worry wrinkles!
Image from The Best of Mother Earth