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photo courtesy smittenkitchen.

I've been quiet this last week I know. It's been one of those weeks that I expect all new Mums have. I've been emotional, I've been tired, I've been sick and overall out of sorts. As a result, this kind of thing tends to go low on the list.

But.... I am back. Well at least much on the mend, mentally and physically and have I got a tremendous 'cake of the day' for you!

Think chocolate cake, a peanut butter cream cheese frosting and then topped with a peanut chocolate ganache. All hail chocolate peanut butter cake. It's more decadent than than... than... I can't think of anything even remotely close. It would have a million calories per mouthful. It's not something that you want to cook or eat every day. Or even every month. Fortunately one of my good friends had a birthday last weekend and gave me the perfect opportunity.

I do have photo's on my camera, but right now I can't find my camera lead so you are going to have to cope with the 'real' photo from the wonderful Deb of Smitten Kitchen. You can just trust me, the cake looked just like that... kinda, sorta.

By the way, have you seen the Smitten Kitchen site? It is fantastic. I have made some of the best recipes from this site in the last 12 months, and it is just generally a great read. I recommend that you pop on over and check out smitten kitchen.