Once upon a time there was a tired, plump and spewed upon maid (guess I don’t qualify as a maiden any more…) that lived in a dream land of beautiful baked, sweet goodness. Her thoughts were filled with images of delicate cookies, princess cupcakes and wisps of spun sugar… but this dream land wasn’t enough. This tired maid wanted more. She wanted to try something different. To see if her maidenly baking skills were up to par (along with her skills at spinning yarn and singing to forest animals). She wanted to master French Macaroons.
The macaroon was one of the kingdoms more mysterious treats. There were the occasional sightings…

Mowielicious: Blackberry and Raspberry Macaroons with Ginger and Lime Buttercream

Daydreamer desserts: Pretty in pink macaroons
And these sightings made our tired maid want to capture one of these delicacies for herself. So out she set with her little wicker basket and Indy, one of the kingdom’s pixie helpers to gather her supplies…
Her first macaroon encounter came shortly after, and as the trays of goodness were laid out before her, the quest was looking surprisingly easy…

But then, (dum, dum, dum, dum dum da dum [imagine the Gargamel music from the Smurfs]) the evil wizard The Oven came thundering down the rolling hills and ate the baby macaroons. What the Oven spat back out was not pretty. They were crushed, raw on the inside and not at all pretty.
The tired maid pouted, and big hormonal tears welled in her eyes as she threw the entire batch of baby macaroons away (without taking a photo of how bad they looked).
Next time Macaroon – next time!
Our tired maid and her pixie Indy were only briefly set back by this evil and on the very next day went in search again for the perfect macaroon. This time they tried a different (and easier) set of directions. Like their previous encounter at the outset things were looking good. But our maid knew what evil lurked nearby with the Oven. As he came closer she steeled herself, wanting badly to protect her baby macaroons, but knowing in her heart of hearts that she had to let them meet the wizard. She watched from afar, peering ever so quietly through the grimy and rarely cleaned Oven door. Things were looking better. The little fella’s may make it out alive.
As the tinkling chime of the Oven rang, our maid rushed over to see what was left.

Lo and behold it looked okay. They looked almost like the dream macaroons… almost.
When our tired maid went to remove the macaroons from their tray things started to go awry. The little gems crumbled and cracked, so many died in transit that there were only a small few to get photographic evidence of.
The journey for the beautiful macaroons continues and somewhere in the story, our tired maid figures that she actually try and find a ‘real’ macaroon somewhere so that she does have something to compare her attempts with.
To be continued.
The macaroon was one of the kingdoms more mysterious treats. There were the occasional sightings…

Mowielicious: Blackberry and Raspberry Macaroons with Ginger and Lime Buttercream

Daydreamer desserts: Pretty in pink macaroons
And these sightings made our tired maid want to capture one of these delicacies for herself. So out she set with her little wicker basket and Indy, one of the kingdom’s pixie helpers to gather her supplies…
Her first macaroon encounter came shortly after, and as the trays of goodness were laid out before her, the quest was looking surprisingly easy…

But then, (dum, dum, dum, dum dum da dum [imagine the Gargamel music from the Smurfs]) the evil wizard The Oven came thundering down the rolling hills and ate the baby macaroons. What the Oven spat back out was not pretty. They were crushed, raw on the inside and not at all pretty.
The tired maid pouted, and big hormonal tears welled in her eyes as she threw the entire batch of baby macaroons away (without taking a photo of how bad they looked).
Next time Macaroon – next time!
Our tired maid and her pixie Indy were only briefly set back by this evil and on the very next day went in search again for the perfect macaroon. This time they tried a different (and easier) set of directions. Like their previous encounter at the outset things were looking good. But our maid knew what evil lurked nearby with the Oven. As he came closer she steeled herself, wanting badly to protect her baby macaroons, but knowing in her heart of hearts that she had to let them meet the wizard. She watched from afar, peering ever so quietly through the grimy and rarely cleaned Oven door. Things were looking better. The little fella’s may make it out alive.
As the tinkling chime of the Oven rang, our maid rushed over to see what was left.

Lo and behold it looked okay. They looked almost like the dream macaroons… almost.
When our tired maid went to remove the macaroons from their tray things started to go awry. The little gems crumbled and cracked, so many died in transit that there were only a small few to get photographic evidence of.
The journey for the beautiful macaroons continues and somewhere in the story, our tired maid figures that she actually try and find a ‘real’ macaroon somewhere so that she does have something to compare her attempts with.
To be continued.