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Well my darlings I have been away a while haven't I? I have a reasonable excuse - I think... Yep, despite all predictions my beautiful little boy decided to join his mama in the kitchen a few weeks early.

Well, not really 'in the kitchen'... it's a turn of phrase... oh, you know what I mean.

So the story goes, I wake up in the morning after another not so great night's sleep feeling weird. I think it's happening, but there's no real signs. I talk to Mr. Renee and we decide to wait and see. To deal with the nervous excitement I do what any normal person does with signs of impending labour -- I cook.

And what did I cook? Well, Martha Stewarts double chocolate cookies of course.

Can you see the photo inspiration?

Trust me, these ones are something else!

They include LOTS of chocolate, and even though they are thin, they pack a real chocolate punch! It could be the fact that I had to scour the house for enough chocolate to include -- there's probably not many cookies out there made on Lindt balls!

Given that I am writing this some 6 weeks after the fact, I can't really remember how difficult they were to make. I don't think they were. I wasn't really concentrating on the cooking too much that day.
Anyway, with life slowly starting to get itself back on track (ha!), well, my new life starting to take shape I promise to start this blogging business again. I have been cooking these past weeks, I even have a few photos to prove it, so I will gradually get these posted...
Okay then, see ya real soon!