I have teamed up with Crystal from Dream Weddings on a Budget for the next month to bring you some cross-blog conversations on hot topics in the wedding world. If you would like to learn more about Crystal, check out her about me page.
Crystal and I will be discussing hot button issues in the wedding world. You'll be able to read my half of the conversation here and you can check out Crystal's half on Dream Weddings on a Budget. We will include links back and forth to the conversation so that you don't miss out. I would highly recommend also added Dream Weddings on a Budget to your reader so that you can keep up. Feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions on the matter in the comments of either of our blogs.
This week's discussion is about alcohol at a wedding. This can be a really large chunk of your budget. At our wedding, we opted to just have beer, wine, and two signature drinks instead of having an open bar. That dropped our costs dramatically because we were able to choose cheaper liquor to use in our signature drinks.
A lot of budget brides debate on whether a cash bar is a good idea at their wedding. They do this because they don't want to foot the cost for their guests getting drunk.
I personally think it is extremely rude to have a cash bar at a wedding. Your guests should never have to open up their wallet at your event. Would you invite them over to your house and ask them to pay for their drink?
I understand if you can't afford a full bar, but at least host some kind of drink for them, even if it's just beer and alcohol. Or, you could do some kind of alcohol punch. That would cut the costs drastically.
So Crystal, how do you feel about having a cash bar?
Visit Dream Weddings on a Budget to see what Crystal has to say about having a cash bar at a wedding.