This weekend is one of my nieces third birthday and I have been trying to think of a baked treat that I could provide for morning tea. After looking through the spectacular blog Sweet Nest I think I am going to try my hand again at decorated cup cakes using fondant.
When I look at the smooth detail, the pretty colours and clever designs it makes my fingers itchy wanting to try and create something that looks even remotely close.
My last attempts weren't great. This was my first go when I had a try at Christmas time. Hardly inspiring. Hardly even appetising. But I take solace in the thought that I can only get better.
And on the topic of cake decorating inspiration, one of my all time favourites are from Hello Naomi. Check out her Flikr site -- they are some of the most beautiful (and edible) things I've ever seen!
I'll let you know how I go with my cupcakes!