The morning of the wedding, I had to run to Walmart before I did anything else. We need glue sticks to finish up a few projects and I was on a mission to find a tank top that I could wear while getting ready. Got the glue sticks and found a cute Miley Cyrus tank top for $4.
After I got home, I finished up the projects the glue sticks and my fiance ironed on a cute "Tying the Knot" rhinestone decal on the front. His best friend called while we were doing this, so it was nice to be able to talk to him before the wedding (he lives in Japan).
When we were done at the house, I had to run and pick up my mom from the hotel so we could get to the salon. We had a huge festival going on in town, so we ended up running all over town to find a way to get over there. It took way too long and we were running really late for our appointment. Not a fun way to start the morning of my wedding.
We had a lot of fun at the salon though and they did a fantastic job on our hair and make-up.
After we were done at the salon, we heading out to the venue to start getting dressed. Two of my bridesmaids didn't go to the salon with us, so they were already at the venue waiting on us. After the bridesmaids got dressed, it was time to get me into my dress. That took a lot of assistance.
Then it was time to sit around and wait for the ceremony to start. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack, but I kept it together.
After I got home, I finished up the projects the glue sticks and my fiance ironed on a cute "Tying the Knot" rhinestone decal on the front. His best friend called while we were doing this, so it was nice to be able to talk to him before the wedding (he lives in Japan).
When we were done at the house, I had to run and pick up my mom from the hotel so we could get to the salon. We had a huge festival going on in town, so we ended up running all over town to find a way to get over there. It took way too long and we were running really late for our appointment. Not a fun way to start the morning of my wedding.
We had a lot of fun at the salon though and they did a fantastic job on our hair and make-up.
After we were done at the salon, we heading out to the venue to start getting dressed. Two of my bridesmaids didn't go to the salon with us, so they were already at the venue waiting on us. After the bridesmaids got dressed, it was time to get me into my dress. That took a lot of assistance.
Then it was time to sit around and wait for the ceremony to start. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack, but I kept it together.