Maddox clogs by Lucky Brand are my latest impulse purchase, I must confess. (With all the window-shopping and online research I do for this blog, I've learned not to succumb to initial retail temptations! But sometimes, my resolve crumbles...) These clogs have just the right combination of sturdiness without clunkiness (note the angled heel), edginess--nicely riveted--but not obnoxiously so, and comfort. Comfort ranks pretty high in my book of shoe criteria these days, and these clogs have got super-cushy insoles and a nice padding around the edge of the uppers. Plus, they look just fab, don't you think? They're $89.00 from
Note, I actually purchased my pair at Macy*s, but I couldn't find them on their website, so I had to list Nordstrom instead. Sorry, Macy*s!