Remember the Color Me Beautiful craze in the '80s? When I was a kid, some older girls who were family friends were always holding that book up to my face to determine if I was a Spring or a Winter, and then coating me in hideous colors reminiscent of Homer's make-up gun.

Homer, I think you have it set to 'whore'

Colors for Brides promises advice on hot topics such as: your wedding, your trousseau, your first home, your planning guide, and your bridal gift record. I know what you're thinking! What in the hell is a trousseau!? It is a pretty word for dowry. Yes, dowry.
Let's dive in and soak up all the amazing advice. Your cosmetics leave something to be desired - wouldn't you look better following this advice?

You want to look romantic, don't you? It's perfect for channeling your inner child pageant show contestant.

Homer, I think you have it set to 'whore'
This popped up on one of my favorite blogs Awful Library Books, and the advice is still so relevant, it's screaming to be shared.

Colors for Brides promises advice on hot topics such as: your wedding, your trousseau, your first home, your planning guide, and your bridal gift record. I know what you're thinking! What in the hell is a trousseau!? It is a pretty word for dowry. Yes, dowry.
Let's dive in and soak up all the amazing advice. Your cosmetics leave something to be desired - wouldn't you look better following this advice?

You want to look romantic, don't you? It's perfect for channeling your inner child pageant show contestant.