If you are one of my bridesmaid's that read my blog, stop reading now.
I had a really hard time figuring out what to get my bridesmaids because they're all so different. I really wanted to get them all the same thing though, so that it didn't look like I spent more money on one bridesmaids compared to the other. So, the searching began on what to get them.
I love the look of coordinated bridesmaids, so I decided to make their jewelry for them. I was going for this look.
Since I was requiring them to wear this jewelry on the day of the wedding, I wasn't considering this their gift for the wedding. It's just a little part of it.
So, I had to think of something else to get them. I saw a lot of brides getting their bridesmaids pashminas and I love that idea. It would be something they could wear with their dresses on the day if they wanted and they could use them again. So, I ordered ivory pashminas from FashionUnic. I love pashminas because they're really versatile and you can wear them with almost anything.
I might add a few more little things as I come across them, but that's my main ideas so far. What did you get your bridesmaids for participating in your wedding?
I had a really hard time figuring out what to get my bridesmaids because they're all so different. I really wanted to get them all the same thing though, so that it didn't look like I spent more money on one bridesmaids compared to the other. So, the searching began on what to get them.
I love the look of coordinated bridesmaids, so I decided to make their jewelry for them. I was going for this look.
Since I was requiring them to wear this jewelry on the day of the wedding, I wasn't considering this their gift for the wedding. It's just a little part of it.
So, I had to think of something else to get them. I saw a lot of brides getting their bridesmaids pashminas and I love that idea. It would be something they could wear with their dresses on the day if they wanted and they could use them again. So, I ordered ivory pashminas from FashionUnic. I love pashminas because they're really versatile and you can wear them with almost anything.
I might add a few more little things as I come across them, but that's my main ideas so far. What did you get your bridesmaids for participating in your wedding?