I was looking around the web for a flower girl dress and I came across this lovely blog, Emmaline Bride. Emmaline Bride is the handmade wedding marketplace, featuring bridal couture by indie artists. One of their posts was on these gorgeous flower girl dresses by Beane and Co. So I had to investigate further. I was floored. This is what I would want my flower girl to wear. So modern. So different and unique. Love it. See this amazing flower girl dress and their entire collection here.

I was looking around the web for a flower girl dress and I came across this lovely blog, Emmaline Bride. Emmaline Bride is the handmade wedding marketplace, featuring bridal couture by indie artists. One of their posts was on these gorgeous flower girl dresses by Beane and Co. So I had to investigate further. I was floored. This is what I would want my flower girl to wear. So modern. So different and unique. Love it. See this amazing flower girl dress and their entire collection here.