This is either a terrible PR stunt, or Hilary Duff is straight out of Seth MacFarlane's fantasies.
Skip to 0:12
Hilary Duff is engaged to some hockey player named Mike Comrie, and I know this because the engagement took place on a balcony with paparazzi watching below.

I saw that awkwardly-photoshopped Maxim spread where you tried to shed your Lizzy McGuire image...will you marry me?

Yay! I am acting shocked! This is what girls do with their hands when guys propose!

I'm going to text this to my less-famous sister while keeping this bad acting class smile on my face!

Here is your reward for giving people a reason to talk about me!
Yeesh, how embarrassing! Is she waxing his hockey stick, or is it merely a raspberry at a bad angle? My guess is raspberry because in some of the other pictures there are friends hanging around, but maybe she's into public sex? May this be the first of many happy marriages for them both.
Thanks to my pal J for the tip!
Skip to 0:12
Hilary Duff is engaged to some hockey player named Mike Comrie, and I know this because the engagement took place on a balcony with paparazzi watching below.

I saw that awkwardly-photoshopped Maxim spread where you tried to shed your Lizzy McGuire image...will you marry me?

Yay! I am acting shocked! This is what girls do with their hands when guys propose!

I'm going to text this to my less-famous sister while keeping this bad acting class smile on my face!

Here is your reward for giving people a reason to talk about me!
Yeesh, how embarrassing! Is she waxing his hockey stick, or is it merely a raspberry at a bad angle? My guess is raspberry because in some of the other pictures there are friends hanging around, but maybe she's into public sex? May this be the first of many happy marriages for them both.
Thanks to my pal J for the tip!