Okay...well it wasn't really a vacation, but I'm going to tell you about it anyways. As I've probably mentioned before, my fiance is in the Air National Guard, so he goes to Jacksonville one weekend a month for drill. Well, this weekend was family weekend so I can with him.
We were originally going to meet with our officiant on Friday evening, but she canceled last minute, so we decide to drive up Saturday morning. Left the house at 6am. Blech. Well, when we got to base, they had everything set up for family day. They had a huge hanger full of blow up toys for the kids, another hanger full of college tables and other informative stuff, a hanger dedicated to movie watching, rock climbing, a haunted house, and tons of planes set up on the flight line.

I also got to meet all of J's drill buddies, which was pretty cool. Sadly most of them are getting out so he wont' see them anymore.
It was a fun weekend and I hope to do it again with him next year.

We were originally going to meet with our officiant on Friday evening, but she canceled last minute, so we decide to drive up Saturday morning. Left the house at 6am. Blech. Well, when we got to base, they had everything set up for family day. They had a huge hanger full of blow up toys for the kids, another hanger full of college tables and other informative stuff, a hanger dedicated to movie watching, rock climbing, a haunted house, and tons of planes set up on the flight line.
It was a fun weekend and I hope to do it again with him next year.