Yesterday I told you about a balcony collapsing under a wedding party. Today, you can (safely) get married on the balcony that Romeo stood under to woo Juliet.
The 13th century mansion of the Cappello family — believed to be the Capulets of William Shakespeare's tragic play Romeo and Juliet — has for years been a place of pilgrimage for lovers, who have scrawled messages on its walls. Now Verona's town council is offering it as a place to get married.
Wow, what a gorgeous place to wed. It doesn't get more romantic than Italy!
I know most vows end with "'Til death do us part..." but I'd rather not consider the way Romeo and Juliet parted ways...
The 13th century mansion of the Cappello family — believed to be the Capulets of William Shakespeare's tragic play Romeo and Juliet — has for years been a place of pilgrimage for lovers, who have scrawled messages on its walls. Now Verona's town council is offering it as a place to get married.
Wow, what a gorgeous place to wed. It doesn't get more romantic than Italy!
I know most vows end with "'Til death do us part..." but I'd rather not consider the way Romeo and Juliet parted ways...