Candle Dove Baskets
From Jennifer & Paul, Somerset, MA
We went to a local florist supply warehouse (where we used a tax ID # from my job to get the supplies at wholesale. We found miniature baskets (about 2" across) with a little handle. A bag of 20 of these cost $2.00, so that was only $.10 each. These are then spray-painted silver. Inside, we placed a scented votive candle in either of our two wedding colors. These cost about $.50 each. We had purchased an ink stamp with seashells on it, and a silver ink pad, as well as a rubber stamp with our names and the date. We stamped each candle with these designs. Then, for our personal touch, we added a miniature white dove to the handle of the basket. Each of these are only about 1/2 inch across (They're so cute!). They came in a package of 2 dozen for $2.99, or about $.12 each. Then we put a little bit of silk ribbon on top, and glued some pearl accents on the basket handle. They look gorgeous! And each one cost under a dollar!
Wedding Rings Candles
From Karen
I was able to find a store that would order 200 3X3 white round candles for $.99 each. Next, I made shipping labels (2X4) on my computer that said our names and the date of our wedding. We placed the computer-generated labels over the existing label of the candle (they came labeled and cello wrapped). Using a strip of tulle (netting) 4" wide by 18" long we wrapped the netting from bottom to top and tied it in a knot and attached 2 gold rings onto the knot and tied a bow. Since we made them so far in advance (my wedding isn't until 9/18/99) we secured the bow on the top of the candle with a straight pin to ensure that we wouldn't be losing netting and spending all of that time to replace them. A small amount of floral clay could also be used on the bottom of the candle. This will be a very personal item that didn't cost very much!
Miniature Oil Lamps
Andrea & Todd Campbell, Ottawa, Canada
We are having two types of favors at our wedding. For the ladies, I found these little glass oil lamps (which will match the centerpieces) for $1! A steal! We'll decorate them with ribbon and a tiny flower to make a very pretty gift
Wine bottles & candles for a rustic vineyard wedding
From Denise
we had a rustic vineyard harvest "motif" wedding in keeping with our love of wines. we gave out two favors, actually: the first was a full sized bottle of a white table wine that was labeled in honor of our wedding. we set these in vine, raffia and grape laden baskets in the middle of the table and used them as centerpieces. each couple or single guest got a bottle. we spent about $6 or $7 per bottle when the case discounts were taken into account. (actually, it made for a reasonably priced centerpiece at $24 per table..we had the baskets, ivy and raffia on hand, grapes were bought at an estate sale for $2!) we chose this favor because we love wines and the entire wedding incorporated elements of wines and vineyards (grapevine wreaths, grapevine motif unity candle, silk grapes in the wedding party flowers, grapevine plant heart shaped graphic on invites and programs, reception banquet room looked like it was in Tuscany and our guest book was a Methuselah-sized bottle of wine that holds an entire CASE in one bottle) additionally, we wanted the feel of "abondanza" or abundance, and this was a somewhat lavish "favor, and we preferred to give away the centerpieces in this fashion rather than try to figure out what to do with 25 ivy bowls after the wedding. our other favors were terra cotta pot candle holders. I attached a grapevine napkin ring sized wreath to the bottom of the pot with hot glue and tied a bit of natural raffia right above it. then tied on a small cluster of grapes and hot glued on a sprig of silk ivy. we attached a business card sized card that read: may this candle brighten your home as your friendship has warmed our hearts. (or something to that effect) and then added a purchased ivory votive candle in the pot. each guest received one of these. they ran about $1.50 a piece, and we had about 50 guests. I think I made about 60 of them and used the extras on the cake tables. we chose these because we liked the feel of rustic elegance that they conveyed, kind of an "old world" simplicity and elegance.
Tree Ornaments & Candles
From Jennifer
Several glass tree ornaments, painted in our wedding colors of navy and silver, will be placed in a bowl on each table. In the center or the bowl, in a small holder, will be a tea light. The idea is that throughout the night, the candle will flicker and catch the light of the painted bulbs, creating a beautiful centerpiece. Then at the end of the night, the centerpiece can be dismantled, allowing each couple to take an ornament-memento home with them.
Candles in Terra Cotta Plans
From Nicole, 6-5
We made candles in mini terra cotta pots. They cost just over $1 each including all supplies. We spray painted the inside of the pots with gold to accent the candle flame, then turned them over and spray painted the outside various colors. We then painted details on them individually (flowers, squiggly lines, vines, etc). Then placed a wick holder over the hole in the pot with a piece of clay to plug the hole, melted paraffin wax and added scent and poured them into the pots. We chose these because we are having a country garden theme.
Wine Bottles
From Angela & Brian, 5-29, Buffalo, New York
We decided on little wine bottles with our name/date on them. We will probably have lots of kids at the wedding so I was going to buy some kind of small chocolate favors for the kids. The wine bottles cost about $1.25 each. We are buying them from a liquor store. We chose the wine bottles because we hope people will be able to enjoy them after the wedding.
Champagne Flute Glasses & Candles
From Susan
We are using champagne flute glasses for our favors. We lucked out, got them at Ikea @ .50 cents each. We're still undecided as to what we'll put in them. Probably candies wrapped in tulle.
Rolled Bees wax Candles & Winnie the Pooh
From Christina & Steve, 9-4
We are making rolled bees wax candles. They will be wrapped in paper and have a Winnie the Pooh sticker on each one. We are also having tulle wrapped love hearts with the little sayings so everyone gets something to nibble. I though of the candles because my MOH is very crafty and made them to sell at a craft fair one year. The Pooh stickers are to add something cute (Steve & I both love Winnie the Pooh)I believe it will only cost about 1 to 3 dollars as my MOH gets things at a wholesale price.
Bubbles & Wine
From Heidi & Jim
We are doing the wedding bubbles at the church (wrapped with tulle, and tied with ribbon and wired floral piece) and we will have wine splits at the reception with our names on the label (and sparkling cider for the minors). Total cost: bubbles, tulle, ribbon, flowers 160: $55.00 (I got a great deal on the bubbles ($3.49/case) and the tulle circles were being discontinued, so I got 175 for $8.00). We decided to do this because they used it at the last wedding we went to (the day before we got engaged) they used them and I thought it was really pretty, almost fairy tale like! The wine is going to be $1.25/bottle...this includes the labels and we will probably put some ribbon around the neck and call it a favor.
From Shannon & Ronnie, 8-21
We are using votive candles which cost about $0.35 per favor (only about $42 total - $30 120 votives,$10 10 yards tulle,$2 6 spools of ribbon). Everyone likes scented candles Just cut tulle into 12x12 in squares and wrap the candle, tie with ribbon, have tags with our names and wedding date with the following "poem". Our hope is that wherever you may be when lighting your candle, you will think back to this day and know how much it meant to us to have you here to share in the beginning of our life together.
Wine bottles
From Joanne
We are having small bottles of wine-375ml with personalized labels. My dad makes great wine, you can hardly tell the difference between his and bought stuff. I did a little test at our Christmas party, with 2 of my dads wines, and 2 well known table wines. No body could tell the diff. The wine kit costs 30.00 and yields 122 small bottles. The bottles including corks and shrink caps are 80 cents each, from a wholesaler. The labels are 49 cents each and will have our pic and names dates etc. I think, with the cost of the ribbon I will tie around the neck, they work out to around 1.50-2.00 each. My stepmother makes chocolate favors and I am still thinking about having her make some chocolate leaves, tied in cellophane and tied around the neck. That, if I choose to do it will only add the price of the cellophane. I started out just asking my dad to make the wine, he is now paying for everything and is having fun doing it. Making wine is his hobby.
Chocolate & Champagne
From Celeste and Evans, 7-2-2000, Far Rockaway, New York
I'm using, the Hershey bar favors (I don't know whether the full size or the little ones yet), also miniature champagne bottles (probably Cordon Negro), and miniature brooms (I'm African-American and 'jumping the broom'). I believe the Hershey bars are $1.65 for the larger ones and $0.85 for the smaller ones. I think the champagne bottles come out to $4.50 a piece if I get them wholesale, maybe less. And the brooms are a gift from one of my mother's closest friends. Chocolate and champagne are two of my most favorite things in the world. Plus they represent us, sweet and bubbly!
From Jennifer & Paul, Somerset, MA
We went to a local florist supply warehouse (where we used a tax ID # from my job to get the supplies at wholesale. We found miniature baskets (about 2" across) with a little handle. A bag of 20 of these cost $2.00, so that was only $.10 each. These are then spray-painted silver. Inside, we placed a scented votive candle in either of our two wedding colors. These cost about $.50 each. We had purchased an ink stamp with seashells on it, and a silver ink pad, as well as a rubber stamp with our names and the date. We stamped each candle with these designs. Then, for our personal touch, we added a miniature white dove to the handle of the basket. Each of these are only about 1/2 inch across (They're so cute!). They came in a package of 2 dozen for $2.99, or about $.12 each. Then we put a little bit of silk ribbon on top, and glued some pearl accents on the basket handle. They look gorgeous! And each one cost under a dollar!
Wedding Rings Candles
From Karen
I was able to find a store that would order 200 3X3 white round candles for $.99 each. Next, I made shipping labels (2X4) on my computer that said our names and the date of our wedding. We placed the computer-generated labels over the existing label of the candle (they came labeled and cello wrapped). Using a strip of tulle (netting) 4" wide by 18" long we wrapped the netting from bottom to top and tied it in a knot and attached 2 gold rings onto the knot and tied a bow. Since we made them so far in advance (my wedding isn't until 9/18/99) we secured the bow on the top of the candle with a straight pin to ensure that we wouldn't be losing netting and spending all of that time to replace them. A small amount of floral clay could also be used on the bottom of the candle. This will be a very personal item that didn't cost very much!
Miniature Oil Lamps
Andrea & Todd Campbell, Ottawa, Canada
We are having two types of favors at our wedding. For the ladies, I found these little glass oil lamps (which will match the centerpieces) for $1! A steal! We'll decorate them with ribbon and a tiny flower to make a very pretty gift
Wine bottles & candles for a rustic vineyard wedding
From Denise
we had a rustic vineyard harvest "motif" wedding in keeping with our love of wines. we gave out two favors, actually: the first was a full sized bottle of a white table wine that was labeled in honor of our wedding. we set these in vine, raffia and grape laden baskets in the middle of the table and used them as centerpieces. each couple or single guest got a bottle. we spent about $6 or $7 per bottle when the case discounts were taken into account. (actually, it made for a reasonably priced centerpiece at $24 per table..we had the baskets, ivy and raffia on hand, grapes were bought at an estate sale for $2!) we chose this favor because we love wines and the entire wedding incorporated elements of wines and vineyards (grapevine wreaths, grapevine motif unity candle, silk grapes in the wedding party flowers, grapevine plant heart shaped graphic on invites and programs, reception banquet room looked like it was in Tuscany and our guest book was a Methuselah-sized bottle of wine that holds an entire CASE in one bottle) additionally, we wanted the feel of "abondanza" or abundance, and this was a somewhat lavish "favor, and we preferred to give away the centerpieces in this fashion rather than try to figure out what to do with 25 ivy bowls after the wedding. our other favors were terra cotta pot candle holders. I attached a grapevine napkin ring sized wreath to the bottom of the pot with hot glue and tied a bit of natural raffia right above it. then tied on a small cluster of grapes and hot glued on a sprig of silk ivy. we attached a business card sized card that read: may this candle brighten your home as your friendship has warmed our hearts. (or something to that effect) and then added a purchased ivory votive candle in the pot. each guest received one of these. they ran about $1.50 a piece, and we had about 50 guests. I think I made about 60 of them and used the extras on the cake tables. we chose these because we liked the feel of rustic elegance that they conveyed, kind of an "old world" simplicity and elegance.
Tree Ornaments & Candles
From Jennifer
Several glass tree ornaments, painted in our wedding colors of navy and silver, will be placed in a bowl on each table. In the center or the bowl, in a small holder, will be a tea light. The idea is that throughout the night, the candle will flicker and catch the light of the painted bulbs, creating a beautiful centerpiece. Then at the end of the night, the centerpiece can be dismantled, allowing each couple to take an ornament-memento home with them.
Candles in Terra Cotta Plans
From Nicole, 6-5
We made candles in mini terra cotta pots. They cost just over $1 each including all supplies. We spray painted the inside of the pots with gold to accent the candle flame, then turned them over and spray painted the outside various colors. We then painted details on them individually (flowers, squiggly lines, vines, etc). Then placed a wick holder over the hole in the pot with a piece of clay to plug the hole, melted paraffin wax and added scent and poured them into the pots. We chose these because we are having a country garden theme.
Wine Bottles
From Angela & Brian, 5-29, Buffalo, New York
We decided on little wine bottles with our name/date on them. We will probably have lots of kids at the wedding so I was going to buy some kind of small chocolate favors for the kids. The wine bottles cost about $1.25 each. We are buying them from a liquor store. We chose the wine bottles because we hope people will be able to enjoy them after the wedding.
Champagne Flute Glasses & Candles
From Susan
We are using champagne flute glasses for our favors. We lucked out, got them at Ikea @ .50 cents each. We're still undecided as to what we'll put in them. Probably candies wrapped in tulle.
Rolled Bees wax Candles & Winnie the Pooh
From Christina & Steve, 9-4
We are making rolled bees wax candles. They will be wrapped in paper and have a Winnie the Pooh sticker on each one. We are also having tulle wrapped love hearts with the little sayings so everyone gets something to nibble. I though of the candles because my MOH is very crafty and made them to sell at a craft fair one year. The Pooh stickers are to add something cute (Steve & I both love Winnie the Pooh)I believe it will only cost about 1 to 3 dollars as my MOH gets things at a wholesale price.
Bubbles & Wine
From Heidi & Jim
We are doing the wedding bubbles at the church (wrapped with tulle, and tied with ribbon and wired floral piece) and we will have wine splits at the reception with our names on the label (and sparkling cider for the minors). Total cost: bubbles, tulle, ribbon, flowers 160: $55.00 (I got a great deal on the bubbles ($3.49/case) and the tulle circles were being discontinued, so I got 175 for $8.00). We decided to do this because they used it at the last wedding we went to (the day before we got engaged) they used them and I thought it was really pretty, almost fairy tale like! The wine is going to be $1.25/bottle...this includes the labels and we will probably put some ribbon around the neck and call it a favor.
From Shannon & Ronnie, 8-21
We are using votive candles which cost about $0.35 per favor (only about $42 total - $30 120 votives,$10 10 yards tulle,$2 6 spools of ribbon). Everyone likes scented candles Just cut tulle into 12x12 in squares and wrap the candle, tie with ribbon, have tags with our names and wedding date with the following "poem". Our hope is that wherever you may be when lighting your candle, you will think back to this day and know how much it meant to us to have you here to share in the beginning of our life together.
Wine bottles
From Joanne
We are having small bottles of wine-375ml with personalized labels. My dad makes great wine, you can hardly tell the difference between his and bought stuff. I did a little test at our Christmas party, with 2 of my dads wines, and 2 well known table wines. No body could tell the diff. The wine kit costs 30.00 and yields 122 small bottles. The bottles including corks and shrink caps are 80 cents each, from a wholesaler. The labels are 49 cents each and will have our pic and names dates etc. I think, with the cost of the ribbon I will tie around the neck, they work out to around 1.50-2.00 each. My stepmother makes chocolate favors and I am still thinking about having her make some chocolate leaves, tied in cellophane and tied around the neck. That, if I choose to do it will only add the price of the cellophane. I started out just asking my dad to make the wine, he is now paying for everything and is having fun doing it. Making wine is his hobby.
Chocolate & Champagne
From Celeste and Evans, 7-2-2000, Far Rockaway, New York
I'm using, the Hershey bar favors (I don't know whether the full size or the little ones yet), also miniature champagne bottles (probably Cordon Negro), and miniature brooms (I'm African-American and 'jumping the broom'). I believe the Hershey bars are $1.65 for the larger ones and $0.85 for the smaller ones. I think the champagne bottles come out to $4.50 a piece if I get them wholesale, maybe less. And the brooms are a gift from one of my mother's closest friends. Chocolate and champagne are two of my most favorite things in the world. Plus they represent us, sweet and bubbly!