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Denny Moore
Berwick, Maine USA

" May both have the patience to listen "

robert houk
salt lake city

"one drink for me two at the most, three I'm under the table, four I'm under the host" ( my sister in laws' )

Don Payne
Crestline, California USA

Here's to Eve, the Mother of our race, who always wore a fig leaf in the right place. And here's to Adam, the Father of us all, who was johnny-on-the-spot, when the leaves began to fall!

Maryan St. Claire
Long Beach CA 90840 USA

Secrets of life - possess a good sense of humor & a short memory; and love be thine. May you continually discover yourself and each other everyday!

Carrie Sharkins
Pittsburgh, PA USA

May the sparkle in your eyes light your path for the years to come.

John Napolitano
Somerdale, NJ USA

Walt married Kathy; Rich was the best man. A funny segment of Rich's toast went something like this, "I can picture myself one day driving down a picturesque, tree-lined road with quaint houses with white picket fences. As I come around a bend I see a house with a porch and a couple sitting on a swing. You can tell just by looking at them that this man and this woman are totally in love with eachother... The way the look in eachother's eyes, the way they hold eachother's hands... But I just beep, wave, and keep going because I'm going to Walt and Kathy's house down the road!"

Edward Reaven
Jersey City, NJ

To the groom: The great philosopher Confucius once said- Bigamy means having one wife too many; Some say monogamy means the same Good luck!

Todd Blanchard
Chicago, IL USA

Here's to the heat. Not to the heat that brings down shanties. Here's to the heat that brings down panties!

Gary J. Vien
Sparta, New Jersey USA

Here's to it and to it and to it again, and if you ever get to it and don't do it, I hope you never get to it to do it again!

Rebecca Ruddock
Melbourne Australia

Always walk with your faces towards the sun So the shadows will fall behind you.

Lee Daniel Quinn
Freehold/NJ US

May your obstitrician find your babies so beautiful that he delivers them free!

George Plimpton
Paris TX

A favorite at cannibal weddings: "May the skin of your bum never cover a drum."

Tech Weenie
somewhere, state some country

May you live long lives, doing what you love, together. And when the time comes for you to pass away, may you die as you lived, doing what you love, together.

Christina Ramos
Rio de Janeiro Brazil

May your children always have a rich father and a beautiful mother !

Joseph Pecoraro
Rochester, NY USA

May you love each other more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow.

Mark Covey
Moorhead, MN USA

By my sister: "I wish you a long, happy marriage. But if that is not to be, remember, Deb gets the dishes!"

Cynthia McAllister
Athens, Ohio USA

(This toast was given the the Best Man who is also the father of the Groom) May you be poor in misfortune and rich in blessings. May you be slow to make enemies And quick to make friends. But, rich or poor, quick or slow May you know nothing but happiness from this day forward. Any may your children bring you as much joy as mine have brought to me.

MItch Mann
Garden Grove, CA USA

Here's to everyday that ends in Y

Jack Mullin

Calm seas and may the wind always be at your back.

Gordon Wilson
Urbana, IL USA

Here's to it! Be sure to do it Whenever you get to it! If you ever get to it And don't do it... May you never get to it again!

Andrea Schoemaker
Moline,IL USA

I would tell you good luck, but I never wish luck on a sure thing.

Wilmar N. Tognazzini
Morro Bay, CA USA

This is a toast adapted from Philippians 2:2: May you be truly happy by loving each other and agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, working together with one heart and mind and purpose.



Mark Polansky
Tokyo Japan

Omedeto Gozaimasu !! (a general toast in Japanese that means "congratulations", pronounced as follows: o-meh-dih-tow go-sigh-muss

Bill Levey
Birmingham, AL

Here's to the roof above. May it never fall in, and may we good friends gathered below never fall out!

Bill Levey
Birmingham, AL

Thanks to the Irish ... May you be in Heaven an hour before the Devil knows you've died.

Wilbur L Simms
Lake Mary, Fla USA

Here's hoping you live as long as you like and have what you like as long as you live.

Wilbur L. Simms
Lake Mary, Fl USA

A BETTER TOAST May the LORD God be over all in your life, and, may each of you be first in one another's life so you both will have a joyous and fulfilling lifetime of oneness in our LORD.

Ernie Osborne
Rollinsford, NH USA

Having been a wedding photographer for 12 years, my favorite toast so far is: "May all your ups and downs be in the bedroom". This one brought the house down!

Denver, CO

Here's to those who wish them well, all the rest can go to Hell!

Ulan Kye
Mandaluyong Philippines

May the dromedary of happiness fly up your nose.

E.L. Rheault
Regina / SK CAN

May the wind be always at your back, The Sun overhead in a clear sky and the one you love by your side

Pete Wirth
New Lebanon, NY USA

Here's to you in my sober mood As I ponder, sit and think. And here's to you in my druken mood As I gamble, sin and drink. When my flying days are over And from this world I pass I hope they bury me upside down So the world can kiss my ....


(To the Groom:) Remember, marriage is like weightlifting. You've mastered the jerk. Now it's time for the snatch.

mark fitzsimmons
charlotte, nc usa


Christina Brown

Here's hoping this wedding ring will serve as a tourniquet to stop your circulation. (Think about it)

Mike Lach
Lexington, KY

Standing next to each other, facing the world, may you always be able to say, "this is my beloved, this is my friend."

Paul Levey
Laguna, CA USA

To everyone, everywhere... Be to your virtues a little kind, Be to your faults a little blind.

Las Vegas

Here's to swimming with bowlegged women!

Michel A. Legault
Moncton, NB Canada

We are only here for a short time, but we're here for a good time.


Here's To The Girl With The Little Red Shoes Who Lost Her Cherry To A Bottle of Booze But That's OK It's No Sin She's Still Got The Box The Cherry Came IN!

Dino Hernandez
san antonio tx usa

Here's to the next one!!!!

paul benson
phila,pa usa

to lee and debbie, may the intensity of your love for each other today be greater than it was yesterday and less than it will be tomorrow!!

Melissa Combs
New Orleans, LA USA

(Delivered by maid-of-honor) Here's to my best friend, and my new best-friend-in-law. May all you troubles be little ones, and may you both live in love and happiness for all the days of your lives.

Chris Cartusciello
Selden, NY USA

They say that marraige is an institution. And I can't think of two people who should be institutionalized more than this bride and this groom.

Mark deSousa
Pickering, Ontario Canada

The wedding night is like a kitchen table! Four legs and no drawers.......

Perkasie PA USA

God made woman and made her out of lace, he did'nt have enough so he left a little space. God made man and made him out of string, He had a little left so he left a little thing.

Andrew Smith
Canberra ACT Aust

Hers to tall ships, Heres to small ships,Heres to all ships on the sea. But the best ships are friendships...Heres to you and me!

M. L. Hoffman

While it lasts, make it first. If it ends, end it gracefully. Try to stay friends - it will save lots on legal fees. You may not be married for life, but you will be relatives forever,

Greg Wickstrom
Honolulu usa

Love each other as you would your children, Unconditionally!

L. Florence
Houston, Tx. USA

The bride holds up her glass to the grome and says: "My top to your bottom, your bottom to my top, if you're good, I'll give you a little!!!

Terry Van Dyne
Ebanezer/Alabama USA

To the Chef: Good food, good meat, good God let's eat!

James R. Leonard, Ed.D.
Knoxville, TN USA


Carrie Brooke
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA

May the twinkle in your eyes stay with you and the love in your hearts never fade.

g mamak
chatham ontario canada

May god bless the couple, give them happiness and courage to live married life

Liz Shelton
Arlington TX USA

Friends may come and friends may go. And some friends peter out you know. But we'll be friends until the end, Peter out or peter in.

Carlo Bertolini
Covington, KY USA

May the best of your past be the worst of your future.

Calif. USA


(Groom to the Bride) I've known a lot of women, and I've liked a few, but I've loved only one-- here's to you.

Andrew K. Lorenz
San Jose, CA USA

May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always be at your back, May the rain fall softly upon your fields, And until we meet in heaven, May the good Lord hold the both of you in the palm of His hand.

Jeffrey Fox
Manalapan, N.J. USA

May we live till we die!

Williams Gang
Sydney Oz

"... and remember,on any disagreement the husband is entitled to the last few words...those words are.. Yes,dear.."

Lisa Palmer
Sydney Australia

Today I have married my best friend

San Francisco, CA

For: Diana & Brayden- August 9, 1997 SF ^ Here's to the bride and the bridegroom, We'll ask their success in our prayers, And through life's dark shadows and sunshine That good luck may always be theirs.

george flynt
Brandon, MS USA

"Once a King, always a King, "Once a night, is never enough."

Kirk T. Rostron
Washington D.C. USA

Given to Lance and Kerri Hinds married 7/19/97: By best man Kirk T. Rostron: May Your Hearts be Open to patience and love, May your friends and family fill your house and your life, May patience and compromise guide you through struggle and strife, Enjoy the moments both large and small, And be it known that all present will help when you fall, So hear is a toast on this magnificent day, For your lifes journey together is starting today.

Kevin L. WIllett
Melrose, MA. USA

It been a subject of many a conversations. How long have I known Chris? 15 years 20? Well I and Chris keep in touch every 3-4 weeks, updating to each other whats going on. One time I didnt here from Chris for two months. I and my wife were puzzled. So not knowing where Chris was, we called his mother. She gave us his number where he could be reached. I called, he explained to me that he had just spent the week-end with the most beautiful girl in the world. When he made that statement I reached back to my wallet and gave my wife Vikki an undisclosed amount of money. She won the bet. Everyone please join me in a toast to Chris and Erin, may you have good health and a long life together - congratulations.

Carol Hearst
San Diego, California

Health, Love and Money, and time to enjoy them

Cathy O'Toole
Mtn. View, CA USA

May the most you wish for, be the least your receive. May the best times you've ever had be the worst you'll ever see.

Paul Hewson
Dublin Ireland

Words of wisdom: There are "three rings" in marriage. There's the "engagement ring", there's the "wedding ring" and there's the "suffer-ring".

Jennifer Bruce
Parsippany, NJ USA

"Down the Hatch to a striking match!" - This was the closing to our Best Man's speech.

Ed Oliva
New York, NY USA

Love is a flower, water it every day and enjoy!

Norma Wrenn
Abilene, Texas USA

Wishing you happiness forever.

Dean Rutledge
Girdwood,AK 99587 USA

May you always be lovers But most of all friends And share with each other Whatever life sends May your lifetime together be full and complete and your kisses together be deep warm and sweet

Fairfield, IA USA

Confusion to your enemies.

Dawn Kendall
Chicago, IL UDA

To Kelly and Brian: To Brian: You Always say you are writing a book about women, Well - welcome to the next chapter! And may your ending read that you were happily married ever after! To Kelly: They say that old friends are they best friends. Well - you and I have been friends for 10 years now, and you have been my best friend. But now you have a new best friend sitting beside you. To Kelly and Brian: May you be each other's best friend forever!

Heidi Haines - to Heather and Scott

May your life together be as bright and constant as the evening star, as filled with promise as the new day, as miraculous as Nana and St. Jude (!), and every bit as strong as your family's love, on this, your wedding day. All my love, your big sis, H.



Dean Traiger, MD
Locust Valley, NY USA

A toast to the 4 things in Life: To lying, to cheating, to stealing, and to drinking. If you lie, may you lie to save a good friends life, If you cheat, may you cheat death. If you steal, steal the heart of a fair young lass, and if you drink, drink to your good friends.

Maria Toth
South Bend, IN USA

May your best of yesterdays be your worst of tomorrows.

Vancouver, BC Canada

May the roof above us never fall in. And may the friends inside never fall out. Cheers!

Diane Moats
Lakeland, Florida USA

Friends may come and friends may go, and friends may peter out you know, but I'm your friend through thick or thin, peter out or peter in!

Texas USA

"Always remember,wherever you go, there you are. Because if you're not there, you,d be somewhere else!

Paddy O'Shaugnessy
Dublin Ireland

All rise and raise a glass, To the land we love and the love we land!

Elaine Alford
Rathdrum, ID US

May the day after your wedding night be like an old cupboard.... four wobbly legs and a worn knob."

Cleveland, OH USA

May the best of your past, be the worst of your future!

Mike Wilhelm
Menomonee Falls, WI USA

At my brother's wedding I gave him and his wife each a slice of toast.

Richard Watson
California US of A

(bride) and (groom) are like epoxy. Seperate they are perpetualy sticky, like sap. But together they form a rockhard bond.

Michael Pasek
Waterloo Ontario Canada

From an Apache Indian Wedding Ceremony "Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter to the other Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other, Now there is no more loneliness Now there are two persons but one life before you Go now to you dwelling to enter into the days of your life together And may your days be good and long upon the Earth"

Seattle, WA. USA

Give all to love; Obey thy heart; Friends, kindred, days, Estate, good fame, Plans, credit and the Muse- Nothing refuse. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Terence P. O'Coin
Auburn, MA USA

May you have the hindsight to know where you have been. And the foresight to know where you are going. And the insight to know when you have gone too far.

Winn Sammons
Scottsdale, AZ USA

May the love you share forever remain as beautiful as the bride looks today.

Chris SChultz
Tulsa , OK. USA

Never above you. Never below you. Always by your side.

Jim Todd
Frankfort,Illinois USA

I once knew a pirate Celeste, Who travelled from East to West, She came to my house, In a see-through blouse, And revealed her treasure chest.

Calgary, Alberta Canada

It is Written : when children find true love, parents find true joy. Here's to your joy and ours, from this day forward.

New York USA

Here's to those that do it and here's to those that don't do it and to those that don't do it they should be put to it until they do do it so here's to it

Ty Marshall
Charlottesville, Va.

May you live as long as you want to and want to as long as you live.

Brian P Cotter
Mount Maunganui 3002 New Zealand

Here's to you and here's to me, and all the pretty girls.....Swedish toast My spelling will be wrong....But someone will know "Ien Skoll Mien Skoll Allabrancan friekan skoll!!!! If I can add my REALLY FAVOURITE toast....Its Irish. May the road rise with you, may the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, And the rain fall softly on your fields, And until we meet again, May God keep you in the hollow of His hand!"

Rachel C.

To keep a marriage brimming, With love in the loving cup, Whenever you're wrong, admit it.. Whenever you're right, shut up !!

Don Walker
Coppell, Tx

A Toast to our Bride and Groom: - Perfect total love between a man and woman is like a flaming ball of fire, composed of 4 layers: - The outer layer of the ball of love is the flame of passion for each other. May you possess it all your lives. - The second layer of the ball of love is the emotion of liking each other, with its ebbs and flows. May your ebbs always be less frequent than your flows. - The third layer is that of friendship; May you always find your best friend in each other. - The fourth and inner layer is the hard, firm core of Decision - shown to us perfectly by our Lord,and this is the same love found in the Bible in I Corinthians 13. May you be constant in your Decision to love each other always. - May you have this perfect, total, love forever.


At the Wedding Rehearsal, 1997 A Toast: May the Lord of all creation bless you and become part of your daily lives; May the perfect, selfless love He showed all of us be the love you have for each other. May each of you always seek to be the perfect mate, and in so doing, have the perfect mate. May those of us who love you, love you as one, as you will become.

Colleen Talbot
Ottawa Ontario CANADA

Here's to my lips and here's to my toes Where many quarts and gallons goes!!!

Rick DeCanio
Holtsville NY US

Toast to my best friend Bob and his wife Jen: " To Love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others. Bobby and Jen have found that miracle in one another, and I am proud to be the first to wish them a life time of love and happiness.....

Subhan Burton
Villa Rica, Georgia USA

May your Joys exceed sorrows, may your Ecstacy exceed pain, may your unselfish Love exceed your selfishness, may you live for the sake of the other, and may the bounty of this Life be in Abundance!

McCauley, Edward
Mannheim germany

Here's to you, and here's to me. The best of friends we shall always be. But if we ever disagree, forget you, and here's to me!

Cord Shiflet
Austin, Texas USA

Heres to the breezes That blows through the treeses And lifts the skirts above the kneeses To Reveal the place that squeezes, teases and pleases. Oh Jesus! What a snatch. Down the hatch!

Michael Foreman
Winchester, VA USA

To David and Liz: May all your days be filled with sunshine and all your nights with romance, and all the time between with love. The love of your parents has brought you this far, now may your love for each other carry you forward this day and always.

Stewart Foreman
Winchester, VA 22601

In every game or contest we have played, my brother David lost. He picked a loser for a pro football team. He picked a loser for a pro baseball team. At last, he has picked a winner! To David and Liz, I love you both...Stu

Captain Bob
Union City, CA USA

The vows have been said, the cake has been cut, lets hope (brides name) doesn't grow a big butt!

Geoff Ryder
Fremont, CA


Detroit, MI

May we gather here twenty five years down the road and hear the groom's complaint of sitting on the end of the bed complaining that it's too big!

Milton, PA U.S.

However rare true love is, true friendship is rarer.

Michael Bookstein
Montclair, VA USA

There are several gifts that a husband and wife can give to one another, but these are the greatest ones: The gift of understanding, The gift of mutal support, The gift of perfect trust, and most of all the gift of love. So please join me in raising your glasses to Kirk and Kathy. May the happiness you feel today pale in comparison to the happiness you feel fifty years from now.

Bryan Kler
Carrollton,GA usa

Here's a toast to the lovely bride And to the husband by her side. Here's a toast to home they are going to share May love and trust dwell with them there. Here's to the husband here's to the wife May they remain lovers all of their life.

Matthew Krokosz
Edison/NJ USA

Scott and I have been the best of friends since 1st grade and he has been like a brother to me my entire life. We have had the opportunity to share many special occasions together and I am truly honored to be here tonight making the first toast to Scott and Diane as husband and wife. I can remember when Scott and I were young boys and we would ride our bikes around the same block each and every day after school. I don't think either one of us really knows why we rode our bikes around the same block each and every day after school... I guess it was just the hope of finding something new and exciting around each and every corner. Today, I walk my dog around that very same block because it brings back fond memories of a special friendship that I'll always remember. Scott and Diane, as you start your new life together today on a different block with different faces, I would just like to wish the both of you health, happiness and success around each and every corner. Congratulations Scott and Diane, and may the happiest day of your past be the saddest day of your future. Cheer!

John Dwyer

a song is not a song until its sung a bell is not a bell until its rung and love is not love until its given away, and today [bride] and [groom] have given there love to each other and shared it with all of us


tonight i have the opportunity to share with all of you some of steve's most embarassing stories, but, there will be time for that later. Instead i would like all of you to raise your glasses in honor of our newly-weds.Steve,Sheila: This is to life, may it give you it's best. And this is for patience, let it take care of the rest. This is to marriage, may it always be fun. And this is to love, let it burn like the sun. So heres to the groom with the bride so fair. And heres to the bride with the groom so rare. Cheers..

David Van Meter
Chanhassen, MN USA

As you slide down the banister of life. May all the splinters point downward.

John F. Marchok
Phoenix, AZ USA


Brent Bussey

Forever good friends we shall be But if by chance you don't agree The hell with you and here's to ME

John K.

"May you have as much fun being married as (groom's name) has had being single"

jeff shelton
phoenix, az usa

I can tell you its an honor and a privilege to be bob's best man. You see i've known him all my life, and i can tell you as a baby bob was very ugly!! As a matter of fact bob's mom beth didn't experience morning sickness until after bob was born. Now i don't want to bore you with high school stories because the statute of limitations hasn't expired yet. so let's get to the good stuff. If you know bob like i do he's got an ego bigger than the grand canyon. Bob once said "if there is such a thing as reincarnation i'm coming back as myself". every night before he goes to bed he puts his arms around shawn and tells her how lucky she is to have him. Bob also brags of having the "body of a 20 year old". I agree, a 20 year old volvo!!!!! Now Shawn always wanted to marry a virgin, and well I don't know the answer to that, frankly i don't want to know. I do know that before bob met shawn, the last woman he had been inside was the STATUE OF LIBERTY!!!!! IN all seriousness, bob's a great guy and a true friend. I love him and his new bride very much. cheers!!!!!!!!

Robert M. Plaisted
Jonesboro Me. US

This is a toast that I gave at my brothers wedding May your hearts be open with patience and love. May your lives be filled with blessings from above. May you always share the best that life can provide. As you spend your lifetime together side by side. Congratulations and best wishes.

auburn usa

to rose-cheeked maidens and light-foot lads.


Don,t ever go to bed mad. Stay up and fight!!

Florida US

Say "I Love You" everyday will guarantee harmony within your hearts and home. Cheers!

C Jeffries
California mD USA

There are few occasions we celebrate with more vigor than a wedding….. and sadly there are many institutions we hold above marriage Today the wedding tomorrow the marriage! We associate love with the cause of marriage and happiness as the longevity of marriage, I think they are both the same.. the toast……. Happiness or love is like a kiss… in order to get anything good out of it you have to give it to sombody else.. To your happiness and love!!

Alberta Canada

(to quote my Mother.....ALOT!) I drink to your health when I'm with you I drink to your health when I'm alone I drink to your health so often I worry about my own!

F. H. Sullivan

(Grooms hands on top of the Brides hands) From an old married couple.."This will be last time you will EVER have the upper hand!"

Chris Eckes

I wish upon thee happiness and joy, to be with your loved one all the while. To the groom and bride, ahh such delight, to be with loved ones till life's twilight. Never better, never for worse, ye stay together, to be with your loved one like birds to a feather.

Dan & Buffy
British Columbia Canada

Here are the three rings of marriage: the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffe-ring!!


May you live as long as you want but never want as long as you live.

Fresno, CA CA

don't have one, that's why I'm here....

Jess Kemp
Jourdanton, Texas

"As you slide down the banister of life, may all the splinters be pointing in the right direction."

Fairfield, ca USA


Pittsburgh, Pa USA

This is a toast given by my grandson who was bestman for his brother: To my best friend and little brother, Dan And his beautiful bride, Jodie.......... Who today became one--one love, one life. I love them both very much. It is an honor just to be here on behalf of these two--- two of the nicest,kindest people I know. To my bother and new sister-in-law..... I can wish you only this... May you succeed in all you do together, know your children’s children and live happily ever after. Please stand and join me in this, the first toast to --- DAN AND JODIE as HUSBAND AND WIFE!

Pittsburgh, Pa USA

This is a toast given by my grandson who was bestman for his brother: To my best friend and little brother, Dan And his beautiful bride, Jodie.......... Who today became one--one love, one life. I love them both very much. It is an honor just to be here on behalf of these two--- two of the nicest,kindest people I know. To my bother and new sister-in-law..... I can wish you only this... May you succeed in all you do together, know your children’s children and live happily ever after. Please stand and join me in this, the first toast to --- DAN AND JODIE as HUSBAND AND WIFE!

Paulla Jeffers
Dallas, Texas USA

I wrote this poem for my daughter Jill and her husband, Mike Teigen, an Air Force pilot. My son-in-law to be, Mike, I ask your attention to this plea. Keep this daughter of mine to your side And treat her tenderly. Don’t worry about the material things. Instead, give her your love and respect. Affection, laughs, and attention And never ever neglect To allow her to grow in self Or listen to her ideas and dreams. Instead be one of her support systems Be her partner on this team. Be patient and understanding Take her on picnics and nature walks. Snuggle with her every day Have quiet times and long talks. Have friends over for dinner Friends like those here tonight. Community is so very important Through the good times and in strife. Don’t say hurtful things when angry Pain of harsh words is hard to absolve And spitefulness accomplishes nothing No problem does it solve. Being right brings you no glory If your partner is in pain So when she’s made her point Give her a hug and take some blame. Enjoy this marriage you’re committing to And work at it day and night As if you’re flying without instruments And it will be a great flight! Now, these words to my daughter, Jill For keeping her marriage in the best of tune. Take the same advice I just gave Mike AND always sleep in the nude! I love you both! Mom

Jeff Bracken
Gilbert, AZ USA

Terri, Meet My Friend Tim Terri, Terri, Terri, meet my friend Tim. I seek to advise you, regarding him. The problem is... Where do I begin? His past is questionable, it's hard to deny "I have no recollection", will be his reply. He'll try to convince you that he's always right. He's clever, he's slick, but he doesn't bite. He's cunning, He's brash, and before you know it; He'll be spending your cash. Life with Tim won't always be great, take it from me, I'm his cube mate. He took the plunge, he buckled under, choosing you was no blunder. He does have his fine points, no one can refute. He's fun, he's witty; and you think he's cute. May God bless you and keep you, in your union today. In love, and happy, may you always stay. We Love You! The Brackens.

John Fernandes
Dhahran Saudi Arabia

May your troubles all be small ones (pun intended!) And your fortunes ten times ten!!

Jorge Diaz
New York USA

"May all your pain be champagne"

Don Hughes
Round Rock, Texas USA

May God bless and keep you always, May your wishes all come true, May you always do for others and let others do for you, May you build a ladder to the stars, climb on every rung and May you stay forever young.


"My brother and I have always shared everything and I hope that won't stop now! Congratulations and good luck always!

Lora Lee
Santa Cruz CA

For the Bride & Groom to toast each other. Here's to me, here's to you Here's to love & laughter I'll be true as long as you and not a minute after.

Robert Coleman
Palm Beach, FL USA

They say that brevety is the soul of wit; Here's to life and love and laughter here's to happily ever after

Dennis McCreery
Bellevue, WA USA

To the Bride and Groom: May you never lie, cheat, drink, or steal... But if you must lie, then lie in each other's arms. If you must cheat, then cheat death! If you must drink, then drink deeply of the love you have in this relationship. And if you must steal, then steal time from your busy lives to be together. May the blessings of us all be on you two as you enter into your new life.

Alec MacGillivray
Summerville, New Jersey

Elderly, wise uncle to bride and groom: "Remember marriage is like a hot bath, after awhile its not so hot."


I only hope that Susie and Johnnie will be as happy as my wife is.

Pat Dante
Fort Ashby, West Virginia USA

May the best of your past be the worst of your future!

Newcastle Australia

Twenty Seven years ago Lyndals mum put her to bed with a dummy..... Tonight history repeats itself !

craig rockman
michigan usa

from the best friend of the groom "Here's to true love, may it always be spoken Here's to true friendship, may it never be broken"

Jaime Distefano
San Jose, Ca. USA

Comment made prior to toast: -note, couple are heavy into backpacking. The person seeking the steepest path is rewarded with the most spectacular view. Today, (said couple) embark on a joyous journey. The toast: May undulating trails lead to panoramic vistas and the hearth back in camp, stoked with your love and devotion, burn forever bright; a beacon for all those near.

Jerry Sutherlen
Manassas VA USA

"May you both be in Heaven an hour before the devil knows youre dead!"

Russ Walker

May bad times follow you all your life, but never catch you.

Trey Brown
Nashville, TN USA

Remember, a wedding is like a funeral where a man smells the flowers.

oakhurst/ca usa

Here's to Mel and Susan and Susan and Mel. May they be, forever friends,lasting lovers and have a magical,prosperous, fantastic long life together. To fate that brought you together,and to love that will keep you happy forever. Welcome to the new chapter in your life..

Chris Borger
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

November 8, Mayfonk Art We lift our glasses to Martin and Michelle May your life together be filled with love and laughter May your joys be many and your troubles be few May you enjoy prosperity together and may God be always with you

Zorak Ramone
ABnormal USA

Butter and milk come from cows just like your mom! :)

New Providence, NJ USA

To us and those like us, Damn few left!



Keith Schuler
Lemont, Illinois USA

I knocked her up - so I guess I got to marry her... but man is she ugly!


Roses are red Violets are Blue Hope that your marriage Will be happy for You

Bill Kennedy
Sacramento, CA USA

May your heads grow old on the same pillow.

Jeanie Bellamy Johnson
Everett, Wa. USA

At our "Brady Bunch" wedding at the Oregon Coast, our son & daughter were our best man & maid of honor. Our son's toast was "May the sea hold for you in 25 years as much love as it does for you today." Our daughter's toast was "May your love be as deep as the ocean, and your troubles as light as the foam."

Jeanie Bellamy Johnson
Everett,WA USA

"May your love be as deep as the ocean, and your troubles as light as the foam."

Jeanie Bellamy Johnson
Everett,WA USA

"May your love be as deep as the ocean, and your troubles as light as the foam."

Jim Williams
Tucson, AZ

To Coreen & Scott, May neither of you expect the other to be perfect but may both of you make every attempt at being perfect for each other. May your future be a joint venture of great health, happiness, and prosperity. God bless you both!

Tucson, Arizona USA

A Toast To The Groom Here's to the best years of your life, The years you spent with another man's wife... Your Mother, God Bless Her.

Austin, TX usa

To my brother and his lovely bride, I cannot think of a more disturbing ----no, I'm sorry a most deserving couple. May your love last longer than my brother's hairline. God Bless Texas!