Mary Smith
May your future be filled with wine and roses.
Hector Lucero
Cairo, NY USA
Here's to all the kisses I've snatched,...and vice versa!
Sylvia Turek
San Francisco, CA
May all your troubles be little ones.
Michael Davis
New York, NY
May your arguments be as long-lived as my New Year's Resolutions.
shawn johnson
May all of your days be as happy as the ones before.
Rakesh Mehta from Rick Lewis
Bowie, Maryland USA
May the most you ever wish for be the least you ever receive.
Silvia Johnson
Forest Hills, NY US
To Fate, that brought you together,and to Love, that will keep you happy forever.
Dan Ziemecki
Atlanta, GA USA
May the joy you feel today be but a pale shadow of that which is to come.
Glenn Allen
There is no influence like that which lights the domestic fire.
Cloy Tobola
Fargo, N.D. USA
"Nothing is nobler, nor more admirable
Than when two people who see eye-to-eye Live together as husband and wife
Thereby confounding their enemies And delighting their friends."
-Homer, from The Odessy
Dennis Riendeau
Here's to Honor -- get on her and stay on her!!
AKA the sailor's toast among Thistlers of the Pacific Northwest.
Todd O'Hara
New Jersey
May your coffins be made of 100 year old oak
that was planted just yesterday.
Christina gomez
San Francisco ,Ca USA
May the rest of your lives be like a bed of red roses...without the thorns
S. Kelly
May you live a long, happy life, and may my voice be the last one you hear.
Jim Doherty
Brighton, CO USA
My wife(fiance, sister, etc.) doesn't drink much,
when she does it's two at most.
One - she's under the tableTwo - SHE'S UNDER THE HOST!!
Bumperville USA
Here's to the girl with the long blond hair
She made 'em laugh, she made 'em stare.
She lost her cherry, but that's no sin
Cause she still got the box that the cherry came in!
Alexandria, VA
May your Love be modern enough to survive the times,
and old fashioned enough to last forever.
Dennis P. Hagemann
Santa Rosa, Ca
Here's to the Husband
Here's to the Wife
May they remain lovers for Life
Doug N.
Holland, MI USA
"May you live as long as you want to,
and want to as long as you live." - Unknown
kelvin sealy
pensacola florida usa
(move glasses as you say this)heres your top to my
heres by bottom to your top
heres my middleto your middle
now i'm gonna give you a little(pour some into the others glass)
Danielle Fresch
Sandusky, OH USA
Here's to husbands and sweethearts -- may they never meet!
Bob Roth
St. Louis, Mo. USA
Why she hasn't said yes, I think I understand
My Kimberly has been hurt in a way most never know
Although it isn't easy to wait, I'm a patient man
Because by my patience I know that I can show
She is my lady, and will always be
Javier DelCastillo
Princeton, NJ usa
Here's to the Virgin Mary, Who conceived without sinning,
So that we may sin without conceiving!
Middleburg, Fl USA
To the Bride and Groom,
Three things to remember; Things are more like they
are today than they ever have been before.
The facts, although interesting are irrelevant.
And finally,
By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.
Jesse Galindo
Boston, MA
May the happiest day of your past
Be the saddest day of your future
Rob Gordon
Redwood Falls/MN USA
There are those who will tell you that the single life is the only way to go. While it can be said that the single life is more glitzy and glamorous, it is only flash, not substance. You two begin today the journey that proves the rewards of marriage are the most valuable.
Doug Washabaugh
Although outside it is cold and wintery, inside Shawn and Cindy's hearts it is warm,
and today the seeds oflove have been planted. As the Spring flowers are soon to bloom, may your love florish for a sunny season that never ends.
Raquel Valente
Naugatuck, CT USA
All that we have drank, sang, and danced, no one will ever take away from us.
Jeff Endenburg
Ottawa Canada
May you life together be as happy and free As the rolling waves on the deep blue sea.
Brandon Walsh
Beverly Hills, CA USA
Chin, Chin!
Perth WA Australia
"Today, from you and from me, we have made US.
What you now do and what I now do, we do for US.
Although you are still you and I am still me, it is US
that is the guide along life's journey and beyond.
We do for US, our every thought is for US, now and for always."
Dan Zenner
Sturtevant, WI U.S.A
To Dave and Gloria, two very, very nice people,
we wish you Good Health, Happiness and a Wonderful life together,
Rob Moscoso
Brisbane Australia
Wishing Lea- Anne and Jeff happiness for the coming wedding and in the years ahead
Zeke Saulsbury
Here's to women, the fruit of the vine,
they bloom once a month, and bear fruit every nine.
They're the only creature this side of hell,
who can bring juice from a nut without breaking the shell !!
Dan Weaver
Alpha, NJ USA
No man is complete, until he is married --
then he's finished
Mitch the Geek
State of Confusion US of A
"May I live a thousand years and you athousand and a day, that I should never hear the news that sadly you had passed away."
Debra Gustafson
Lake Geneva,WI USA
May you never lie, cheat or drink
But if you must lie, lie in each others arms
And if you must cheat, cheat death
But if you must drink, drink with all of us, because we love you
Mark P. Ehrenreich
Houston, TX USA
To a couple destined for a world of success not only in life,
but in love, congratulations and good luck, my friends.
Alison Walters
Cambridge, MA USA
Old Irish blessing:May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be ever at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face,the rain fall soft upon your
and until we meet again
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
Dennis Patterson
Owen Sound,Ontario Canada
Darla and Steve may you always be as happy as you are today.
Big Paul
London England
A final word to the Groom: "Remember who's boss, and NEVER answer her back!"
Look out lipsLook out gumsLook out gullet Here she comes!
Ritchie USA
Marraige is a lot like the Army, everyone complains,but you'd be surprised at the large number that reenlist.
Ray Curran
Marblehead, MA USA
Here's to you as good as you are,
Here's to me as bad as I am.
As bad as I am, as good as you are,
I'm as good as you are, as bad as I am!
New York USA
To the ships of our seas, and the women of our land...
may the former be well captained and the latter be well manned.
Mike Frith
Portland, OR USA
Here's to you both a beautiful pair on this,
the birthday of your love affair!
Kyle Fish
Albany, NY USA
May your love be as deep as the ocean, and your troubles as light as the foam.
Jason Teller
Louisville, CO USA
(Bride's Name), please place your hand on the table in front of you.
Now (Groom's Name), put your had on top of (Bride's Name).
I want everybody in the room to see the last time that (Groom's Name) has the upper hand!
Eric L. Mikkelsen
San Antonio, Texas USA
May you share a joy that grows deeper, a friendship that grows closer and a marriage that grows richer through the years. Cheers!
Johnny Shell
Arden, NC USA
May the road you now travel together be filled with much love and success.
Michelle Maclaren
Vancouver, BC Canada
May all your joys be great joys, and all your pain by Champagne!
Austin TX
A piece of cowboy advice: "There's two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither one works."
Glyn Jones
Ottawa Canada
May you have the strength to change those things that can be changed
May you have the patience to live with those things that cannot be changed
May you have the wisdom to know one from the other!
G. Loehndorf
British Columbia canada`
May you share equally in each others' love,
and may all your troubles be little ones.
Atlanta GA US
Bestman said to the couple: "John, Jane is a wonderful woman.
Jane, Thank-you for making my friend so happy."
Billinda Corrigal
Toronto Canada
As you two have now become one through this holy sacrament of marriage in witness of God and all friends here may he bless you with FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY
Faith - to believe in God
Hope - to love and support each other
Charity - to remember and love each person that touches your lives
Risa Sybrandy
San Diego, CA USA
May your hands be forever clapped in friendship and your hearts forever joined in love
Johnny Uy
Cebu City Philippines
Here's to you, here's to me...May we never disagree.
But if we do, the hell with you...Here's to me!
Valerie Sobel
Calgary, Ab Canada
Louisville, KY USA
May your good times be plenty and your sad times be few;
May your love grow brighter with each day and with each day begin anew;
Let us live for the future and learn from the past;
Because the knowledge you gain will make your marriage last.
Charles O. Sy
Cebu City Philippines
As you set out to write a new chapter in your life as husband and wife,
may your union be like a game of poker:start as a pair and end with a full house!
May you live forever And may I never die
Rob Faber
Portland OR USA
Here's to you and here's to me
and here's to love and laughter,
I'll be true as long as you but not a minute after
Mike McDowell
Lake Station IN USA
A wedding wish-May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten.
Mike Troutman
Clifton, VA USA
I would like to thank the parents of the bride and groom, for without them,this day could not be possible.
Ed Gold
Sherman Oaks Calif U.S.A.
It is said when a child finds true love the parents find true joy.
Here is a toast to our children true love and the parents true joy.
Dave Reasons
Chattanoog, TN USA
Here's to the bride & mother-in-laws;
Here's to the groom & father-in-laws;
Here's to the sisters and brother-in-laws;
Here's to the brothers and sister-in-laws;
Here's to good friends and friend-in-laws;
May none of them need an attorney-at-law!
Chris Patterson
Newark, DE
We wish them the best of luck but know that
they don't need it,because they already have the best of Love.
Tammy M. Davis
Charlottetown, PEI CANADA
May your love build for you and indestructible community of two, and may your married life be as loving as it is long. To the bride and groom!
Scott Weinstock
Agoura, CA USA
May the best day of your past be the worst day in your future.
Bob Aldrich
Monticello, Indiana USA
My your journey through life be guided by fair winds and following seas.
Greg Montana
Philadelphia, PA USA
From one couple to another(spoken quickly & in
Here's to you two from we two
for we two hope you two
like we two as much as we two like you two
but if you two don't like we two
as much as we two like you two
then to hell with you two and here's to we two!
portsmouth,nh usa
A Toast
To the glorious mysteries of life.
To all that binds a family as one.
To mirth,
(or mayhem, murder, Mauers
marriage, mischief)
To dear friends.
To new friends. To youth.
To passion to desire.
To pain to tonight.
Linda Knotts
Gainesville, GA USA
Women have many faults. Men have only two.
Everything they say, and everything they do.
John Mann
Venetia, Pa US
Roses are red, violets are fine, hope your marrage is as happy as mine.
Paul Amorello
Ridgefield, CT USA
(given by twin brother Steve)Lisa, meet my brother Paul.
He's the king of slobs and that's know to all.
He leaves his junk everywhere, his socks, his shoes, his underwear.
He took the plunge, he buckled under.
Now he hopes it ain't no blunder.
Life with Paul won't always be great and that's coming
from his first womb mate. I love him and I'll miss him,
so treat him good, and you be smart and take good care of that old fart.
Troy Pierce
Shreveport, LA
"Let us toast the health of the bride,
let us toast the health of the groom, let us toast the person that tied,
let us toast every guest in the room. Look down you gods and
on this couple drop a blessed crown."
Karl Kindt
Webster Groves, MO USA
(A poem written by Karl Kindt and read at his
brother's wedding as a toast.)Attend to Thy LoveO Man,
Take not thy lady for granted,
Supposing she be the sun or seasons.
'Tis true,
Many a lady hath been compared to a summer's day,
Many a lover hath called upon the moon's powers.But no,
Your lady, beauty though she may be,
Is not a purely natural creature.Like you,
She hath a soul, a mind, a heart,
A heart that can grow turgid with passion.
Your lover,She may be as lovely as the blooming rose,
As sweet as a new spring morning,Your lady,
Though she may be your only true flower of love and passion,
Sitting idly by will cause the flower to droop and wilt.
The flower,That enchanting blossom of fresh love,
Needs to be tended with caring devotion,Or else,
Without fanfare or show,
The love can fade and lose some of its treasured splendor.
So Man,As has been said before,
Make much of time,For life,
O ardent life,Is swiftly passing when it is filled with joy.
O Man,Compare thy love to a gentle river around which flowers grow,
But assume not the effusion shall last forever,
And thus,
Not visiting the banks of her abounding care,
Allow the waters to dissipate and the flowers to wane.
Clyde Wells
May you pluck the feathers from the bird of life and may they tickle your fancy!
Paul Zambo
Orlando Florida
May your troubles be like grand ma's teeth, few and far between
Michelle L.
Phila. PA. USA
Eddie and Evette, As swift as time may be may it never go so quickly that you forget this day; for this day is the way you should feel always and forever.
May the feelings you feel now be the ones you feel always, forever and a day.
Michelle L.
Phila. PA. USA
A commitment should last forever; And life should always be this good.
But when times are hard and the road is rough, remember the words you spoke today,
and remember the way you feel right now and try to forgive, sometimes thats all we have to give. For to love is to learn and to learn is to forgive. Best wishes to you both, and may your love be long lived.
Mark Stano
Neenah, WI USA
May all your children have wealthy parents!
Germantown, Maryland
To Leslie and Brian - Live long, laugh often, love much
Eric Wielhouwer
Grand Rapids/ MI USA
I wish you both the patience of Job, the wisdom of Solomon, and the children of Israel.
Pam Ballard
Virginia Beach, VA USA
Here's to the men we love,
and here's to the men that love us.
But the men we love
aren't the men that love us,
so screw the men and here's to us!
(A toast for "girls night out")
andy cook
mobile usa
Friends may come and friends may go,
Friends may pass in the night you know.
But friends we'll be until the end,
Peter out or peter in.
Gentle Ben
May love and respect rule your lives!
May your future be filled with wine and roses.
Hector Lucero
Cairo, NY USA
Here's to all the kisses I've snatched,...and vice versa!
Sylvia Turek
San Francisco, CA
May all your troubles be little ones.
Michael Davis
New York, NY
May your arguments be as long-lived as my New Year's Resolutions.
shawn johnson
May all of your days be as happy as the ones before.
Rakesh Mehta from Rick Lewis
Bowie, Maryland USA
May the most you ever wish for be the least you ever receive.
Silvia Johnson
Forest Hills, NY US
To Fate, that brought you together,and to Love, that will keep you happy forever.
Dan Ziemecki
Atlanta, GA USA
May the joy you feel today be but a pale shadow of that which is to come.
Glenn Allen
There is no influence like that which lights the domestic fire.
Cloy Tobola
Fargo, N.D. USA
"Nothing is nobler, nor more admirable
Than when two people who see eye-to-eye Live together as husband and wife
Thereby confounding their enemies And delighting their friends."
-Homer, from The Odessy
Dennis Riendeau
Here's to Honor -- get on her and stay on her!!
AKA the sailor's toast among Thistlers of the Pacific Northwest.
Todd O'Hara
New Jersey
May your coffins be made of 100 year old oak
that was planted just yesterday.
Christina gomez
San Francisco ,Ca USA
May the rest of your lives be like a bed of red roses...without the thorns
S. Kelly
May you live a long, happy life, and may my voice be the last one you hear.
Jim Doherty
Brighton, CO USA
My wife(fiance, sister, etc.) doesn't drink much,
when she does it's two at most.
One - she's under the tableTwo - SHE'S UNDER THE HOST!!
Bumperville USA
Here's to the girl with the long blond hair
She made 'em laugh, she made 'em stare.
She lost her cherry, but that's no sin
Cause she still got the box that the cherry came in!
Alexandria, VA
May your Love be modern enough to survive the times,
and old fashioned enough to last forever.
Dennis P. Hagemann
Santa Rosa, Ca
Here's to the Husband
Here's to the Wife
May they remain lovers for Life
Doug N.
Holland, MI USA
"May you live as long as you want to,
and want to as long as you live." - Unknown
kelvin sealy
pensacola florida usa
(move glasses as you say this)heres your top to my
heres by bottom to your top
heres my middleto your middle
now i'm gonna give you a little(pour some into the others glass)
Danielle Fresch
Sandusky, OH USA
Here's to husbands and sweethearts -- may they never meet!
Bob Roth
St. Louis, Mo. USA
Why she hasn't said yes, I think I understand
My Kimberly has been hurt in a way most never know
Although it isn't easy to wait, I'm a patient man
Because by my patience I know that I can show
She is my lady, and will always be
Javier DelCastillo
Princeton, NJ usa
Here's to the Virgin Mary, Who conceived without sinning,
So that we may sin without conceiving!
Middleburg, Fl USA
To the Bride and Groom,
Three things to remember; Things are more like they
are today than they ever have been before.
The facts, although interesting are irrelevant.
And finally,
By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.
Jesse Galindo
Boston, MA
May the happiest day of your past
Be the saddest day of your future
Rob Gordon
Redwood Falls/MN USA
There are those who will tell you that the single life is the only way to go. While it can be said that the single life is more glitzy and glamorous, it is only flash, not substance. You two begin today the journey that proves the rewards of marriage are the most valuable.
Doug Washabaugh
Although outside it is cold and wintery, inside Shawn and Cindy's hearts it is warm,
and today the seeds oflove have been planted. As the Spring flowers are soon to bloom, may your love florish for a sunny season that never ends.
Raquel Valente
Naugatuck, CT USA
All that we have drank, sang, and danced, no one will ever take away from us.
Jeff Endenburg
Ottawa Canada
May you life together be as happy and free As the rolling waves on the deep blue sea.
Brandon Walsh
Beverly Hills, CA USA
Chin, Chin!
Perth WA Australia
"Today, from you and from me, we have made US.
What you now do and what I now do, we do for US.
Although you are still you and I am still me, it is US
that is the guide along life's journey and beyond.
We do for US, our every thought is for US, now and for always."
Dan Zenner
Sturtevant, WI U.S.A
To Dave and Gloria, two very, very nice people,
we wish you Good Health, Happiness and a Wonderful life together,
Rob Moscoso
Brisbane Australia
Wishing Lea- Anne and Jeff happiness for the coming wedding and in the years ahead
Zeke Saulsbury
Here's to women, the fruit of the vine,
they bloom once a month, and bear fruit every nine.
They're the only creature this side of hell,
who can bring juice from a nut without breaking the shell !!
Dan Weaver
Alpha, NJ USA
No man is complete, until he is married --
then he's finished
Mitch the Geek
State of Confusion US of A
"May I live a thousand years and you athousand and a day, that I should never hear the news that sadly you had passed away."
Debra Gustafson
Lake Geneva,WI USA
May you never lie, cheat or drink
But if you must lie, lie in each others arms
And if you must cheat, cheat death
But if you must drink, drink with all of us, because we love you
Mark P. Ehrenreich
Houston, TX USA
To a couple destined for a world of success not only in life,
but in love, congratulations and good luck, my friends.
Alison Walters
Cambridge, MA USA
Old Irish blessing:May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be ever at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face,the rain fall soft upon your
and until we meet again
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
Dennis Patterson
Owen Sound,Ontario Canada
Darla and Steve may you always be as happy as you are today.
Big Paul
London England
A final word to the Groom: "Remember who's boss, and NEVER answer her back!"
Look out lipsLook out gumsLook out gullet Here she comes!
Ritchie USA
Marraige is a lot like the Army, everyone complains,but you'd be surprised at the large number that reenlist.
Ray Curran
Marblehead, MA USA
Here's to you as good as you are,
Here's to me as bad as I am.
As bad as I am, as good as you are,
I'm as good as you are, as bad as I am!
New York USA
To the ships of our seas, and the women of our land...
may the former be well captained and the latter be well manned.
Mike Frith
Portland, OR USA
Here's to you both a beautiful pair on this,
the birthday of your love affair!
Kyle Fish
Albany, NY USA
May your love be as deep as the ocean, and your troubles as light as the foam.
Jason Teller
Louisville, CO USA
(Bride's Name), please place your hand on the table in front of you.
Now (Groom's Name), put your had on top of (Bride's Name).
I want everybody in the room to see the last time that (Groom's Name) has the upper hand!
Eric L. Mikkelsen
San Antonio, Texas USA
May you share a joy that grows deeper, a friendship that grows closer and a marriage that grows richer through the years. Cheers!
Johnny Shell
Arden, NC USA
May the road you now travel together be filled with much love and success.
Michelle Maclaren
Vancouver, BC Canada
May all your joys be great joys, and all your pain by Champagne!
Austin TX
A piece of cowboy advice: "There's two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither one works."
Glyn Jones
Ottawa Canada
May you have the strength to change those things that can be changed
May you have the patience to live with those things that cannot be changed
May you have the wisdom to know one from the other!
G. Loehndorf
British Columbia canada`
May you share equally in each others' love,
and may all your troubles be little ones.
Atlanta GA US
Bestman said to the couple: "John, Jane is a wonderful woman.
Jane, Thank-you for making my friend so happy."
Billinda Corrigal
Toronto Canada
As you two have now become one through this holy sacrament of marriage in witness of God and all friends here may he bless you with FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY
Faith - to believe in God
Hope - to love and support each other
Charity - to remember and love each person that touches your lives
Risa Sybrandy
San Diego, CA USA
May your hands be forever clapped in friendship and your hearts forever joined in love
Johnny Uy
Cebu City Philippines
Here's to you, here's to me...May we never disagree.
But if we do, the hell with you...Here's to me!
Valerie Sobel
Calgary, Ab Canada
Louisville, KY USA
May your good times be plenty and your sad times be few;
May your love grow brighter with each day and with each day begin anew;
Let us live for the future and learn from the past;
Because the knowledge you gain will make your marriage last.
Charles O. Sy
Cebu City Philippines
As you set out to write a new chapter in your life as husband and wife,
may your union be like a game of poker:start as a pair and end with a full house!
May you live forever And may I never die
Rob Faber
Portland OR USA
Here's to you and here's to me
and here's to love and laughter,
I'll be true as long as you but not a minute after
Mike McDowell
Lake Station IN USA
A wedding wish-May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten.
Mike Troutman
Clifton, VA USA
I would like to thank the parents of the bride and groom, for without them,this day could not be possible.
Ed Gold
Sherman Oaks Calif U.S.A.
It is said when a child finds true love the parents find true joy.
Here is a toast to our children true love and the parents true joy.
Dave Reasons
Chattanoog, TN USA
Here's to the bride & mother-in-laws;
Here's to the groom & father-in-laws;
Here's to the sisters and brother-in-laws;
Here's to the brothers and sister-in-laws;
Here's to good friends and friend-in-laws;
May none of them need an attorney-at-law!
Chris Patterson
Newark, DE
We wish them the best of luck but know that
they don't need it,because they already have the best of Love.
Tammy M. Davis
Charlottetown, PEI CANADA
May your love build for you and indestructible community of two, and may your married life be as loving as it is long. To the bride and groom!
Scott Weinstock
Agoura, CA USA
May the best day of your past be the worst day in your future.
Bob Aldrich
Monticello, Indiana USA
My your journey through life be guided by fair winds and following seas.
Greg Montana
Philadelphia, PA USA
From one couple to another(spoken quickly & in
Here's to you two from we two
for we two hope you two
like we two as much as we two like you two
but if you two don't like we two
as much as we two like you two
then to hell with you two and here's to we two!
portsmouth,nh usa
A Toast
To the glorious mysteries of life.
To all that binds a family as one.
To mirth,
(or mayhem, murder, Mauers
marriage, mischief)
To dear friends.
To new friends. To youth.
To passion to desire.
To pain to tonight.
Linda Knotts
Gainesville, GA USA
Women have many faults. Men have only two.
Everything they say, and everything they do.
John Mann
Venetia, Pa US
Roses are red, violets are fine, hope your marrage is as happy as mine.
Paul Amorello
Ridgefield, CT USA
(given by twin brother Steve)Lisa, meet my brother Paul.
He's the king of slobs and that's know to all.
He leaves his junk everywhere, his socks, his shoes, his underwear.
He took the plunge, he buckled under.
Now he hopes it ain't no blunder.
Life with Paul won't always be great and that's coming
from his first womb mate. I love him and I'll miss him,
so treat him good, and you be smart and take good care of that old fart.
Troy Pierce
Shreveport, LA
"Let us toast the health of the bride,
let us toast the health of the groom, let us toast the person that tied,
let us toast every guest in the room. Look down you gods and
on this couple drop a blessed crown."
Karl Kindt
Webster Groves, MO USA
(A poem written by Karl Kindt and read at his
brother's wedding as a toast.)Attend to Thy LoveO Man,
Take not thy lady for granted,
Supposing she be the sun or seasons.
'Tis true,
Many a lady hath been compared to a summer's day,
Many a lover hath called upon the moon's powers.But no,
Your lady, beauty though she may be,
Is not a purely natural creature.Like you,
She hath a soul, a mind, a heart,
A heart that can grow turgid with passion.
Your lover,She may be as lovely as the blooming rose,
As sweet as a new spring morning,Your lady,
Though she may be your only true flower of love and passion,
Sitting idly by will cause the flower to droop and wilt.
The flower,That enchanting blossom of fresh love,
Needs to be tended with caring devotion,Or else,
Without fanfare or show,
The love can fade and lose some of its treasured splendor.
So Man,As has been said before,
Make much of time,For life,
O ardent life,Is swiftly passing when it is filled with joy.
O Man,Compare thy love to a gentle river around which flowers grow,
But assume not the effusion shall last forever,
And thus,
Not visiting the banks of her abounding care,
Allow the waters to dissipate and the flowers to wane.
Clyde Wells
May you pluck the feathers from the bird of life and may they tickle your fancy!
Paul Zambo
Orlando Florida
May your troubles be like grand ma's teeth, few and far between
Michelle L.
Phila. PA. USA
Eddie and Evette, As swift as time may be may it never go so quickly that you forget this day; for this day is the way you should feel always and forever.
May the feelings you feel now be the ones you feel always, forever and a day.
Michelle L.
Phila. PA. USA
A commitment should last forever; And life should always be this good.
But when times are hard and the road is rough, remember the words you spoke today,
and remember the way you feel right now and try to forgive, sometimes thats all we have to give. For to love is to learn and to learn is to forgive. Best wishes to you both, and may your love be long lived.
Mark Stano
Neenah, WI USA
May all your children have wealthy parents!
Germantown, Maryland
To Leslie and Brian - Live long, laugh often, love much
Eric Wielhouwer
Grand Rapids/ MI USA
I wish you both the patience of Job, the wisdom of Solomon, and the children of Israel.
Pam Ballard
Virginia Beach, VA USA
Here's to the men we love,
and here's to the men that love us.
But the men we love
aren't the men that love us,
so screw the men and here's to us!
(A toast for "girls night out")
andy cook
mobile usa
Friends may come and friends may go,
Friends may pass in the night you know.
But friends we'll be until the end,
Peter out or peter in.
Gentle Ben
May love and respect rule your lives!