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Much of what is done while planning a wedding would be called work if it was done with a different end result in mind. It makes sense to look to he corporate world for the strategies that allow us to squeez sixty hours of work into a mere forty-hour week. I'm talking delegating, time management, budgeting, and follow up. I'm talking about bringing those very skills that you use to get ahead in the real world and applying them to your ultimate wedding fantasy.

DELEGATE Why do we all have so much trouble asking for help? But we do. We tend to feel it's an imposition or that everyone else is as busy as we are. While it's true that everyone is busy, that's what involved family members and bridesmaids are for. (They realize they were going to have to earn that frilly dress that they'll never wear again, didn't they?) By delegating you allow everyone to feel a part of the fun and excitement leading up to the big day. Do choose your delegates wisely and take their inherent strengths and weaknesses into account ou you'll spend more time following up on them then planning your wedding.

GIVE DEADLINES When you delegate tasks, make sure you clearly communicate what time those tasks need to me completed by, otherwise you'll have only yourself to blame if things aren't done on time.

FOLLOW UP Do not forget this critical aspect of planning your wedding. Confirm (or have someone else confirm- see Delegate) all the details with your vendor and wedding party.

BUDGETING You know that painful budget you hammered out? Stick to it. Seriously. Sticking to that budget is the one thing that stands between you and Wedding Day Mania.

NETWORKING In the business world, some of the best tips come from networking.

TIME MANAGEMENT Set goals for yourself, a timeline in which to complete specified tasks. Use the calendar to plan out the larger, overall picture of when things will get done, then follow up with monthly, weekly, and daily to-so lists.