1. Do you need an appointment?
2. What is the store's return policy?
3. How easy is it to return things?
4. How do they keep track of your registry and gifts? A computer database is the preferred method as it is the most quickly updated.
5. How often to you update the registry and gift? The more often the better so as to avoid as much duplication as possible.
6. How long does it take to get your gift registry up and running?
7. Does the store have a toll-free phone line?
8. Do they accept phone purchases?
9. Do they ship gifts? Any additional charge for this service?
10. How long does your registry list stay in their records? A year after the wedding date is the ideal since guests have up to one year to purchase a gift for you.
Once you're ready to register, prepare for the trip like you would for a day hike in the Swiss Alps. Wear comfy shoes, bring water, have high protein snacks close at hand (the last thing you need is to get lightheaded while selecting those wedding gifts!), and have an escape route or survival plan in your back pocket, It also doesn't hurt to remind yourself that it doesn't all have to be done in one day.
2. What is the store's return policy?
3. How easy is it to return things?
4. How do they keep track of your registry and gifts? A computer database is the preferred method as it is the most quickly updated.
5. How often to you update the registry and gift? The more often the better so as to avoid as much duplication as possible.
6. How long does it take to get your gift registry up and running?
7. Does the store have a toll-free phone line?
8. Do they accept phone purchases?
9. Do they ship gifts? Any additional charge for this service?
10. How long does your registry list stay in their records? A year after the wedding date is the ideal since guests have up to one year to purchase a gift for you.
Once you're ready to register, prepare for the trip like you would for a day hike in the Swiss Alps. Wear comfy shoes, bring water, have high protein snacks close at hand (the last thing you need is to get lightheaded while selecting those wedding gifts!), and have an escape route or survival plan in your back pocket, It also doesn't hurt to remind yourself that it doesn't all have to be done in one day.