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Hola Amigos. So things are a little stressful in Mrs. Preppy Wedding's life these days. And by stressful, I mean I have awful allergies (which would be fine except that I have a man sneeze, not a pretty little dainty achoo like most gals), a major conference to plan (it's next Monday and my brain might just explode by then), over 150 e-mails in my inbox (I like less than 20) and I have a major teenage like breakout (I had to spackle my face in MAC green tinted concealer this morning).

I hope to seek some solace in you all understanding that life is a little out of control these days. And so I didn't have to think, I am going to share some of the photos I have been saving in my "idea file." Please excuse the fact that they don't fit a certain theme, just think of this as a foray into my style diary!

Via Martha's Furniture line by Bernhardt. I want this room. Mr. Preppy Wedding will just have to embrace the pink. LOVE the ceramic trophy vase.

From Cottage Living. The exact shape of my cottage kitchen. Want the chairs and the floor. See there's even a water bowl for LuLu. Just like she likes it - pushed into the middle of the kitchen, since she can't seem to keep things on her doggie placemat.

Wheat grass placecard display. Love this. And you enrich your smoothies with the grass after the wedding.

Seriously, not sure about the colors, but I love this whimsy look.

Ok, that's it for today. I will be back tomorrow with some of the new things I am loving for spring.