As future brides, brides, and past brides, we were and are not just shopping to secure the items or services we need or require, we are trying to buy a dream. That is what makes the whole wedding planning process so complicate, but at the same time so much fun. The whole must be more than the total of its parts, more than the food, the dress, the flowers, or the music alone. The whole exists in the imagination of the creator alone. The wedding is a reflection of the bride and groom and what they want to show to their families and friends.
A wedding is a bit of both, reality and fantasy. When a woman starts planning her own wedding, something happens. Those girlish ideas of romance and happily ever after resurface and become fresh in the mind. So many things and people help make that happen. Mothers who want their daughter to have the wedding they never had. Or maybe a friend or relative recently was married that causes the urge to make hers even better. Magazines and television bring about possibilities that a bride never thought possible.
Couples who start out with a simple wedding planned will soon learn that when it comes to weddings there are so many meanings, and price ranges, or simplicity. Choices such as colors or designs all of a sudden takes on a whole new meaning of simple and grows into something greater. Everything is important because it is all part of the “once in a lifetime” event. It becomes a personal reflection of the couple.
Through developing a wedding plan, you are able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. The war between reality and fantasy, reason, and emotion is a normal part of planning your wedding. The solution is to be prepared and to prevent one outrageous spending moment from creating a chain reaction that goes over the budget you created.
To be realistic and still get a wedding close, if not fully, to your dreams is not impossible. You need to set guidelines from the get go for exactly what you want, then go through that and mark off the things that are going to be impossible to obtain. Keep doing this, until you eventually get to the final plan. You now have a blueprint for your dream wedding. It is not written in stone that you can’t change your mind at any point in time on what you want. But the longer you wait to decide on something, the harder it will be to fulfill those desires because of people reserving places, items, and even people.
Work on the simple things or things that won’t take so long to decide upon in order to get them out of the way. At the same keep working on the things that are going to take deep thought or time to make, design, or obtain. But most of all, HAVE FUN!!! It will be a wedding hard to enjoy if you didn’t have fun designing and planning it.
A wedding is a bit of both, reality and fantasy. When a woman starts planning her own wedding, something happens. Those girlish ideas of romance and happily ever after resurface and become fresh in the mind. So many things and people help make that happen. Mothers who want their daughter to have the wedding they never had. Or maybe a friend or relative recently was married that causes the urge to make hers even better. Magazines and television bring about possibilities that a bride never thought possible.
Couples who start out with a simple wedding planned will soon learn that when it comes to weddings there are so many meanings, and price ranges, or simplicity. Choices such as colors or designs all of a sudden takes on a whole new meaning of simple and grows into something greater. Everything is important because it is all part of the “once in a lifetime” event. It becomes a personal reflection of the couple.
Through developing a wedding plan, you are able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. The war between reality and fantasy, reason, and emotion is a normal part of planning your wedding. The solution is to be prepared and to prevent one outrageous spending moment from creating a chain reaction that goes over the budget you created.
To be realistic and still get a wedding close, if not fully, to your dreams is not impossible. You need to set guidelines from the get go for exactly what you want, then go through that and mark off the things that are going to be impossible to obtain. Keep doing this, until you eventually get to the final plan. You now have a blueprint for your dream wedding. It is not written in stone that you can’t change your mind at any point in time on what you want. But the longer you wait to decide on something, the harder it will be to fulfill those desires because of people reserving places, items, and even people.
Work on the simple things or things that won’t take so long to decide upon in order to get them out of the way. At the same keep working on the things that are going to take deep thought or time to make, design, or obtain. But most of all, HAVE FUN!!! It will be a wedding hard to enjoy if you didn’t have fun designing and planning it.