Sorry everyone for the lack of posts. For some reason blogger is not uploading my all the preppy everyday ware pictures. I don't have time today to try and figure out why but if anyone has good ideas, by all means let me know!
I promise I'll get the post working, I just love everyone's choices and I think the post in full can be a good resource for all you girl's picking your china and everyday ware.
Again, so sorry about the problems with today's post Things have been crazy - between final meetings, final walk throughs, getting the program ready to print, thank you notes, honeymoon shopping, picking out the perfect wedding day gifts for the husband-to-be, whew. I am tired just thinking about it.
We did have an awesome couples shower thrown by the husband-to-be’s mother and sister this weekend. I think I have told this story before, by my sister-in-law-to-be and I were in the same sorority in college. It is so great to have that common connection with her. I WISH I had taken more pictures the food was fantastic and southern inspired. I’m going to have to get the recipe for the red velvet cupcakes, they were to DIE for.
Hope everyone has a great Monday. I'll try to get blogger working again tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me that I make it through these next two weeks.
I promise I'll get the post working, I just love everyone's choices and I think the post in full can be a good resource for all you girl's picking your china and everyday ware.
Again, so sorry about the problems with today's post Things have been crazy - between final meetings, final walk throughs, getting the program ready to print, thank you notes, honeymoon shopping, picking out the perfect wedding day gifts for the husband-to-be, whew. I am tired just thinking about it.
We did have an awesome couples shower thrown by the husband-to-be’s mother and sister this weekend. I think I have told this story before, by my sister-in-law-to-be and I were in the same sorority in college. It is so great to have that common connection with her. I WISH I had taken more pictures the food was fantastic and southern inspired. I’m going to have to get the recipe for the red velvet cupcakes, they were to DIE for.
Hope everyone has a great Monday. I'll try to get blogger working again tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me that I make it through these next two weeks.