Wow. Mrs. P is a genius. She posted some amazing finds on her website for my rehearsal dinner outfit. I love them all, but the first one is really beautiful. I think I may be spending some time (and money) online when I get home tonight!
Mrs. P didn’t know this, but I really am loving the whole gold accessory thing right now. She picked some awesome gold accessories (including some HOT shoes) that were to DIE for. If you have any occasion that you need some help with, let Mrs. P know, her advice is amazing!
I promise tomorrow’s post will be more product oriented, I have a bunch of things I want to show you!

Mrs. P didn’t know this, but I really am loving the whole gold accessory thing right now. She picked some awesome gold accessories (including some HOT shoes) that were to DIE for. If you have any occasion that you need some help with, let Mrs. P know, her advice is amazing!

Melissa at Perfectly-Pink also suggested some great Lilly dresses, that I love. I read Perfectly-Pink everyday and Melissa is always right on with the best preppy finds of the day.
The only problem with Lilly is hatred from the husband-to-be of all things Lilly. He thinks they make me look like a little girl and says he gets mean looks from people when we go out and I’m wearing Lilly. I do look 13 and the husband-to-be does rock a suit in his 6’4 frame, so there may be a hint of truth to his argument. Does that keep me from buying Lilly ? NO.
I do want to thank you all for your suggestions as I am officially hitting the freaking out phase of the wedding planning. We got 8 “we’re coming” response cards yesterday, so there was no ONE winner, but overall the husband-to-be’s guests were more responsive.
Tonight we have a tasting with the caterer, Sunday we finalize the order of service with our minister and Monday we do a walk through of the church with our coordinator. My coworker surprised me today by wanting to plan a lunch for me, I am so excited about that!
The only problem with Lilly is hatred from the husband-to-be of all things Lilly. He thinks they make me look like a little girl and says he gets mean looks from people when we go out and I’m wearing Lilly. I do look 13 and the husband-to-be does rock a suit in his 6’4 frame, so there may be a hint of truth to his argument. Does that keep me from buying Lilly ? NO.
I do want to thank you all for your suggestions as I am officially hitting the freaking out phase of the wedding planning. We got 8 “we’re coming” response cards yesterday, so there was no ONE winner, but overall the husband-to-be’s guests were more responsive.
Tonight we have a tasting with the caterer, Sunday we finalize the order of service with our minister and Monday we do a walk through of the church with our coordinator. My coworker surprised me today by wanting to plan a lunch for me, I am so excited about that!
I promise tomorrow’s post will be more product oriented, I have a bunch of things I want to show you!
I will leave you with this. Hair ideas for the wedding do.
And you know they are inspired by my our preppy icon.