Tara Guerard, the acclaimed Charleston party planner and owner of Soiree has just published the book Southern Weddings. For all you preppy brides who admire Seersuckers and Mint Juleps, this one is a must have. I think I would have just bought it for the cover (I have been known to do this, sad, I know).
And if you have the time, take a look at the Gallery section of the Soiree site. Her ideas are fantastic!
In other news, the kitchen organization weekend project went very well. I managed to not do anything truly wedding related this weekend, which was glorious. I had my last dress fitting last week, finalized the program details and sent them to our graphic designer after meeting with the church coordinator and organist. Did y'all know that the Bridal March by Wagner was bad luck? Apparently, so, so I suppose Trumpet Voluntary (the Fischer version) will do.