Megan tagged me and I am happy to oblige:
A-Available or single? Engaged.
B-Best Friends? The husband-to-be, Paige Lynn and Erin Louise
C-Cake or pie? Red velvet cake - the whole wedding cake will be a yummy red velvet. But I am also found of Ukrop's chocolate pie. So fond, I used to eat it for breakfast.
D-Drink of choice? G-rated drinks - Diet Coke and Vitamin Water, R-rated drink - Jack and Coke, X-rated drink Whoo-Whoo (Thank you Metro for getting me hooked)
E-Essential item I use everyday? My laptop and my super-soft old navy drawstring pants (come on - everyone loves their come home and veg pants)
F-Favorite colors? black and white
G-Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms? Oh bears. And I’m talking the Haribo gummy bears. Germans like to make put the emphasis on hard to chew and not gummy.
H-Hometown? Chester, VA. Look it up. There is a gazebo with a sign. And now a chick-fil-a.
I-Indulgence? Shoes and Headbands.
J-January or February? January. New year, new goals, new outlook.
K-Kids and names? Well, I don’t have any, but, when I do, I like the names Grace, Libby and Jack.
L-Life is incomplete without... my pups, the husband-to-be, my mom’s advice.
M-Marriage date? March 24, 2007.
N-Number of siblings? One preppy lil sis.
O-Oranges or apples? Oranges. Especially clementines. Except it takes me an hour to eat one, because I compulsively peel the skin and veins. Husband-to-be finds this especially funny.
P-Phobias or fears? Falling while walking down the isle and losing my teeth as mentioned here. Oh and one of my pups getting hit by a car.
Q-Favorite quote? “Follow your bliss” Joseph Campbell
R-Reason to smile? Thinking of last night’s dance lesson and the husband-to-be trying to keep a count. Don’t worry, we have five more lessons to get the shag down.
S-Season? Fall. Football, chili, the smell of burning leaves.
T-Tag? Paige Lynn
U-Unknown fact about me: I got my ears peirced at 25. Only after the husband-to-be gifted me with Tiffany's pearl studs. And you know what - it didn't really hurt!
V-Vegetable that you don't like? Most vegetables I don’t like. When I was a little girl, I used to make myself throw up if my mom made me eat veggies. So she gave up, see C.
W-Worst habit? Lately it’s been coming home, putting on my comfy pants and watching way too many episodes of law and order. I need to take a walk or something.
Y-Your favorite food? Pirates Booty. Sometimes for breakfast. And movie Popcorn. And a Strawberry Street Chicken Pot Pie. Note- when looking for a picture of pirates booty, I found that you can order by the case. This is not good.
Z-Zodiac? Aries. And I am pretty bossy and outgoing, so I fit the bill.
A-Available or single? Engaged.
B-Best Friends? The husband-to-be, Paige Lynn and Erin Louise
C-Cake or pie? Red velvet cake - the whole wedding cake will be a yummy red velvet. But I am also found of Ukrop's chocolate pie. So fond, I used to eat it for breakfast.
D-Drink of choice? G-rated drinks - Diet Coke and Vitamin Water, R-rated drink - Jack and Coke, X-rated drink Whoo-Whoo (Thank you Metro for getting me hooked)
E-Essential item I use everyday? My laptop and my super-soft old navy drawstring pants (come on - everyone loves their come home and veg pants)
F-Favorite colors? black and white
G-Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms? Oh bears. And I’m talking the Haribo gummy bears. Germans like to make put the emphasis on hard to chew and not gummy.
H-Hometown? Chester, VA. Look it up. There is a gazebo with a sign. And now a chick-fil-a.
I-Indulgence? Shoes and Headbands.
J-January or February? January. New year, new goals, new outlook.
K-Kids and names? Well, I don’t have any, but, when I do, I like the names Grace, Libby and Jack.
L-Life is incomplete without... my pups, the husband-to-be, my mom’s advice.
M-Marriage date? March 24, 2007.
N-Number of siblings? One preppy lil sis.
O-Oranges or apples? Oranges. Especially clementines. Except it takes me an hour to eat one, because I compulsively peel the skin and veins. Husband-to-be finds this especially funny.
P-Phobias or fears? Falling while walking down the isle and losing my teeth as mentioned here. Oh and one of my pups getting hit by a car.
Q-Favorite quote? “Follow your bliss” Joseph Campbell
R-Reason to smile? Thinking of last night’s dance lesson and the husband-to-be trying to keep a count. Don’t worry, we have five more lessons to get the shag down.
S-Season? Fall. Football, chili, the smell of burning leaves.
T-Tag? Paige Lynn
U-Unknown fact about me: I got my ears peirced at 25. Only after the husband-to-be gifted me with Tiffany's pearl studs. And you know what - it didn't really hurt!
V-Vegetable that you don't like? Most vegetables I don’t like. When I was a little girl, I used to make myself throw up if my mom made me eat veggies. So she gave up, see C.
W-Worst habit? Lately it’s been coming home, putting on my comfy pants and watching way too many episodes of law and order. I need to take a walk or something.

Y-Your favorite food? Pirates Booty. Sometimes for breakfast. And movie Popcorn. And a Strawberry Street Chicken Pot Pie. Note- when looking for a picture of pirates booty, I found that you can order by the case. This is not good.
Z-Zodiac? Aries. And I am pretty bossy and outgoing, so I fit the bill.