Sarah over at The Seven Spot prompted this post on preppy wedding veils. My dress is quite simple in the front (but a party in the back), so I opted for a really simple elbow length veil from a local bridal shop that looks much like below.

Martha does a good job explaining veil types here. This is what she has to say:
Like the gowns they are worn with, veils can be elaborate and dramatic or simple and understated. The only rule for selecting a veil is that it should complement both the bride and the gown. For example, an heirloom lace veil shouldn’t be forced to compete with an extravagant dress; Jacqueline Bouvier understood this principle when she wore a sweeping heirloom lace veil with a fairly simple scoop-neck taffeta gown in her wedding to John F. Kennedy. By the same token, an exquisitely detailed gown is shown off better by a sheer tulle veil than a fancy lace one.
Proportion must also be considered. A short veil looks too informal with a long gown, and an excessively long veil—or one with a multitude of tiers—tends to overwhelm a short bride instead of adding height. When trying on a veil, make sure you don’t disappear beneath it; also, wear your hair as you plan to for the wedding, otherwise you won’t have a clear idea of how the veil will actually look.
Nylon tulle is today’s veil material of choice. The more traditional silk tulle tends to get limp when it’s damp, whereas nylon retains its stiffness. Veils shouldn’t be strewn with rhinestones because rhinestones photograph like black dots. Even pearls, tiny satin bows, and other embellishments may look spotty in photographs, so be sparing with these ornaments.
Can I just say, I love her views on “rhinestones.” Hilarious. She’s trying to say in a nice way, don’t be tacky. You know she is.
Anywho, I would say, first decide on length. I have been to some weddings where girls have done the cathedral thing with lace and they looked lovely. That’s just not me.
I think the second thing to decide is piping. Do you want a ribbon edge or not. I decided to keep it as simple as possible and do no edging. I also didn’t like the way those veils looked in person.
Like the gowns they are worn with, veils can be elaborate and dramatic or simple and understated. The only rule for selecting a veil is that it should complement both the bride and the gown. For example, an heirloom lace veil shouldn’t be forced to compete with an extravagant dress; Jacqueline Bouvier understood this principle when she wore a sweeping heirloom lace veil with a fairly simple scoop-neck taffeta gown in her wedding to John F. Kennedy. By the same token, an exquisitely detailed gown is shown off better by a sheer tulle veil than a fancy lace one.
Proportion must also be considered. A short veil looks too informal with a long gown, and an excessively long veil—or one with a multitude of tiers—tends to overwhelm a short bride instead of adding height. When trying on a veil, make sure you don’t disappear beneath it; also, wear your hair as you plan to for the wedding, otherwise you won’t have a clear idea of how the veil will actually look.
Nylon tulle is today’s veil material of choice. The more traditional silk tulle tends to get limp when it’s damp, whereas nylon retains its stiffness. Veils shouldn’t be strewn with rhinestones because rhinestones photograph like black dots. Even pearls, tiny satin bows, and other embellishments may look spotty in photographs, so be sparing with these ornaments.
Can I just say, I love her views on “rhinestones.” Hilarious. She’s trying to say in a nice way, don’t be tacky. You know she is.
Anywho, I would say, first decide on length. I have been to some weddings where girls have done the cathedral thing with lace and they looked lovely. That’s just not me.
I think the second thing to decide is piping. Do you want a ribbon edge or not. I decided to keep it as simple as possible and do no edging. I also didn’t like the way those veils looked in person.
Now, where to buy. I like my wedding veil the best. They have great pictures and testimonials from actual brides.
I also like Veil Shop.
If you are willing to spend a bunch on a beautiful lace veil, visit, Designs by Kristen. She was written up in In Style and her veils are very beautiful.
If you are willing to spend a bunch on a beautiful lace veil, visit, Designs by Kristen. She was written up in In Style and her veils are very beautiful.
Hope this helps!
Also - wanted to let you all know LuLu is doing great. She went on a long walk last night and she is feeling much better. In other news, I'm happy to announce the in-laws-to-be are adopting this amazing lab, Hershey. He's so beautiful right? I can't wait to meet him.