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I love flowers.

Not just for weddings, but in general. Is there anything better than seeing the house filled with fresh bunches of your favourite blooms? Second only to wedding dress shopping, choosing flowers for a wedding is amongst my most favourite thing to do!

In life, my most favourite flowers are tulips; specifically purple tulips. When it comes to weddings having just one favourite flower would be far too limiting and so I would have to say that my top ten most favourite weddings flowers are [in no particular order!]

1. Ranunculus - with a meaning of 'little frog' whats not to love? Ok, perhaps not every bride wants to be thinking about frogs on her wedding day - but these are gorgeous flowers non the less! 


2. Hydrangea - Love the colour options the hydrangea offers, not a fan of it as a plant, but can't get enough of it as a bouquet or an arrangement. 


3. Gardenia - love their rich scent and they are are so pretty and delicate! 


4. Orchids - Personally I prefer orchids with a little colour - love the tropical feel they bring to an arrangement! 


5. Peony - they're big, bold, sweet and alluring - what's not to love? Ok they are a little more expensive than other blooms but their size means you don't need as many so it all balances out!

6. Stephanotis - these flowers make me think of Disney every time I see them - not sure why. I love their versatility - they work so well in their own bouquet or as a complimentary filler with other flowers. 


 7. Daisy - Who doesn't love daisies? So simple and elegant! And how wonderful does this Daisy & Dandelion Wedding Bouquet look? 


 8. Calla Lilly - I sometimes have a love hate relationship with this flower. Right now I'm in love. Featured here with Champagne Roses I think this wedding bouquet is the height of elegance!

9. Rose - need I say more? It's the smell, is the passion, its the romance... a rose by any other name would surely smell as sweet - no?


10. Tulip - the symbol of happiness! I love the colours, I love the smell and I love, love, love the look! Enough said!


What are your favourite flowers?