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It is Friday, March 12, 2011 at 9:00 pm central time...
Which means our Give Hope Adoption Auction is officially OVER!

For those of you who donated items, THANK YOU!
For those of you who gave our auction a shout out on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter, THANK YOU!
For those of you who have been praying for us, THANK YOU!
For those of you who did not bid, but donated money, THANK YOU!
And for those of you who bid on our items, THANK YOU!

This weekend, I will be e-mailing the highest bidders directions: how to pay for your item, information we need for customizing your item, learning you mailing address so we can send you your item, etc.  So hang tight! While you're waiting be sure to check out all of our awesome sponsors' sites!  All these people rock! 

If you bid on an item, but were sadly outbid by someone else, there are still other ways you can support us:

1. Donate.  Donate what you were going to pay for the item that you did not win.  Donate what you would have paid for a dinner and movie out but didn't due to the fact you were glued to your computer during the final moments, making sure you weren't outbid.  Donate because we are longing for a baby over 7,000 miles away! 

2. Commit to donating an item for a future auction by e-mailing: jenwayman@gmail.com

3. Follow our journey by reading our blog. 

4.  AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: Pray.  Pray for us during this journey.

We will announce the final total raised after we receive payment from all of our highest bidders.  Again, thank you so very much for making our first fundraiser a success!