It is Sunday. It is a beautiful day. And I am happy.
Given these three factors, I am going to take a little travel break and share with you the most exciting news and try and spread a little happiness around. The fabulous Kelli G from one of my favorite little spots of sunshine, bug miscellany, totally made my day by awarding me with my very first blog award…
With this honor, I get to share with you 10 things that make me happy. If you’ve been following along, you already know some basics… travel, photography, cooking and design are some of my favorites. But it is time to go a little deeper. Tough to narrow it down, so I will take a little variation on the theme and present you with the top 10 Summer things that make me happy just thinking about them. Enjoy!

Soon after I first met John, he asked me what my favorite flower was. Without hesitation, I answered the Gardenia. He told me he had a little surprise for me and brought me out to his deck which he had surrounded with gardenia bushes. They happened to be in full bloom at the time. There is nothing that makes me happier than the scent of gardenia. When I first moved to the south, I’d go for walks in the neighborhood and be overwhelmed with this beautiful new (to me) scent. Didn’t take me long to figure out what it was and I’ve been in love ever since.
Ok, so I suppose ice cream works here as well. But given my recent return from Italy, I’d like to think that I can still find amazing gelato on every street corner. Is it possible to survive on an all gelato diet? Hmmmm… I wonder.
Summer in North Carolina equals hot. Very hot and very humid. I dream of being by the water. Any kind. Ocean, lake, pool, sprinkler. Tall glasses of water filled to the top with ice cubes. Ahhhh.... cool water. Water makes me happy.
Mid Summer. Evening. Air is still. Nothing moves. The humidity traps everything. Except the little fireflies that dance through the night, sharing little droplets of light wherever they go. My favorite time of year.
Musical Picnics
One thing I love about the south is the abundance of outdoor music on summer weekends. We always have a ton of things to choose from. I love making like a European and throwing together a lovely simple little picnic in our gorgeous basket, finding a soft spot on the grass, laying out our spread, drinking a little wine and hanging out under the stars listening to someone do what they love.
Farmer’s Market
Following the theme above, some of the best picnics are sourced from the local farmer’s market. I realize this is a strong sentiment, but having just returned from Europe, I had to make a trip to the local grocery store. I actually got really angry when I saw the quality of produce in comparison to what I’ve been selecting from over the past two months. I vowed that I will try and make it to the farmer’s market as often as I can. Life it too short to eat crappy produce and there is just no excuse for not supporting our local farmers.
This is easy. Sunshine equals happy. Throw in a little bright blue Carolina cloudless sky and I am guaranteed a good day.
Planning a Wedding
Okay, I admit fully that this one is overwhelming me at the moment, but when I think past the project that lies ahead of me to the end result, I can’t help but be happy. Can’t we just skip to the good part?
Grilled Pizza
My latest obsession. I found out John had a bread machine lurking in his pantry. I seriously have never met a man that has his very own bread machine. In all honesty, I’m pretty sure he has rarely used it, but I certainly can. I secretly wonder if this is another version of a chic magnet… you know, like those adorable little puppies that guys walk around with in the park. But whatever, it works. I learned to make pizza dough. And then I learned to make it on the grill. And it is the most fabulous thing ever. It is our new summer obsession.
Early Summer Mornings
I wake up every morning with the realization that the day is fully mine. I remember how lucky and blessed I am to have the ability to pursue what I love. There is nothing that makes me happier.
Thanks for following along with me and hopefully I was able to spread a little sunshine your way! Take some time on this beautiful Sunday to think about what makes you happy. I’d love to hear some of your favorites here! Let’s inspire each other!
And because happiness is contagious, I’m sharing this lovely award with several blogs that have recently brought a little smile to my face for one reason or another. Just accept your award, share ten things that bring you happiness and pass it along!
Please make sure to check them out, visit the wonderful kelli g and stop by the artists shops that brought us today's visuals.
Wishing everyone a Happy Sunday and a fantastic ending to your weekend!