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Bride Aimee West bought the three-tier sponge cake decorated with white and dark chocolate icing and flowers for their reception near Llanelli (in Wales). But just before she and new husband Tony cut through a layer of chocolate white polystyrene was found underneath.

They said when they ordered the cake they paid £270 up front to confectioners Creative Cakes. But just four hours before the evening reception was due to start Mrs West said she discovered the cake company had forgotten to bake it. She said: "They admitted their mistake and said 'Don't worry, we'll get you a cake'. They turned up that evening and the cake was put on a table for all to see. We were just about to cut it when someone discovered the cake people had left four layers of sponge cake in the hotel reception. That set alarm bells ringing and when my mother checked the cake she found it was made of polystyrene."

Is it me, or is the groom about twelve? He look so young.

District Judge Marjorie Taylor gave Creative Cakes three months to repay the couple plus their costs. Mrs West said after the case: "We are delighted to have been given our money back. We could have asked for compensation for cutting the cake in front of all our guests but we wouldn't be able to put a figure on that."

Karen Williams, who runs Creative Cakes from her home in Llanelli, blamed it all on a mix-up. She said: "By the time Aimee contacted me it was too late to make the proper cake. I would never have the time to bake a cake and ice it in that time. I explained I would be delivering an artificial cake - they are quite common at weddings these days. I offered them a refund so there was no reason to take me to the small claims court."

Fast forward a few days to this news story

A baker who substituted sponge with polystyrene in a wedding cake is considering winding up her business over threatening phone calls she says she has received after the mix-up hit the headlines. "This has escalated beyond belief. I'm getting threatening phone calls. People have said I should die of cancer. All I did was make a cake." Williams said she was considering quitting. "I'm trying to make a living but at the moment I'm feeling like 'what is the point'?''

When I go places, and there's no cake, I get really agitated. How can there not be cake at a birthday or wedding!? I would push your grandma off the sidewalk if it meant that someone would bring me cake. But I would never wish cancer on someone. I have my standards.
