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I am obsessed with all things weddings just as much as I am about fashion. I started The Bridal Wishlist so that I could have a place to put all of the beautiful wedding-related things that I was coming across. After several years of hard work, perserverance, and dedication to finding the most beautiful things around, The Bridal Wishlist is number 15 out of over 500 wedding blogs. I am very proud. The Bridal Wishlist was the spring board for The Capitol Fashionista. The Capitol Fashionista grew out of my love for fashion and I needed to post things that were not right for my bridal audience. So we are celebrating our third year anniversary. Hooray for us!

The one thing that I totally love about wedding blogs is that the wedding industry has a great deal of respect for us. They see us as a legitimate part of the industry and have come to realize what power we have in getting the word out and shaping a bride's opinion which will eventually shape her wedding choices. I hope and pray that the fashion industry will catch on.

So I was invited to the 15th Anniversary of Martha Stewart's Weddings Magazine on Monday night. I was flabbergasted and very honored. Of course, in true fashionista style, I started to obsess about what I was going to wear!!! So I took the train up on Monday afternoon, checked into my hotel, tried to eat something to calm the jitters and pulled it together to get showered/dressed.

{image courtesy of Mel Barlow Photographers}

What a night!!! The Plaza Hotel is one of the most magnificent hotels in the world. Simply spectacular. After the sign-in table, there was table with a raffle sign-up, a guest book to leave Martha and company a little note about how the magazine has inspired you, and the lovely pipe cleaner lady. She made engagement rings for people out of pipe cleaners. I was too impatient to wait.

These banners lined the hallway. They are all of the covers over the past fifteen years. I was getting way giddy at this point. When you turned the corner, there was a photo shoot going on where you could take your picture on a Weddings magazine cover. I need to scan my pic and post it. Will do later.

This is the fabulous and amazing Darcy Miller, Editor of MS Weddings. She was telling the story about how she was asked to run the magazine. She was saying that she didn't have a clue about weddings. The deal was that if she was unhappy, she could go back to Living magazine. Needless to say, that never happened. Thank goodness. She has made an incredible impact on the way women plan their weddings. {Pictured below: Darcy Miller and Amsale Aberra; Darcy Miller with Sylvia Weinstock; Darcy Miller and Preston Bailey}

{images courtesy of Mel Barlow Photographers}

These are just random pics of the night. I couldn't get a good picture of the food tables because they were packed pretty much all night.

These containers of the Blushing Bride, the Golden Groom and the Ginger Lemon Drop (my personal fav) were all around. The band was really good. They had folks dancing like it was club night!

The highlight of my night was meeting and taking a picture with Randy Fenoli, Kleinfeld's Fashion Director. You will know him as the man who will surely find your perfect wedding dress on TLC's "Say Yes to the Dress." I love him!! He was so nice. When he saw me pointing my camera at him, he stopped mid-sentence to give me permission to take his photograph. Then he asked someone to take my camera and take his picture with me. Love him!

These are pics of me and some of the lovely wedding blogger friends, including Anne from Perfect Bound and Kelly from Santa Barbara Chic.

Of course, the fashionista in me was checking the room for fab dresses. There were plenty of folks that missed the memo about THE PLAZA HOTEL!!!! Ladies, respect the venue, please. I could not believe that some folks had on jeans. Seriously, I was annoyed. There were plenty of fab dresses (including my fab Oasis dress if I must say so myself). I decided to pick the best dress of the night and this was it. There were some fab runners-up, but for me this was the most amazing dress. I thought it was a vintage dress, but it wasn't. It was the amazing design of Stephen Nato of Fancy. You guys know that I LOVE vintage anything. So this was definitely the dress of the night. Bellissimo, Stephen! What a night to remember.